Linwoods - Ingredients for Innovators

Steam Treated Ingredients

Steam Treated Seeds, Nuts and Grains

In many cases raw seeds and nuts can sometimes be contaminated when they are harvested. Our seeds are gently heat treated to remove any harmful bacteria and provide a product that is safe for the human consumption.

Whole Nuts and Seeds

Milled Flax

Milled Sunflower

Milled Pumpkin

Whole Flax

Whole Sunflower

Whole Pumpkin

Whole Chia

Milled Chia

Grated Almonds

Grated Walnuts

Shelled Hemp



Brazil Nuts

1940 Family General Merchant Business

1980 Bread & Milk Wholesale Business

1996 Launched Linwoods Bakery

2004 Launched Linwoods Dairy

2008 Launched Linwoods Healthfoods (Seeds Range)

2008-16 Moved into International Markets

2017 Diversification into Protein & Snack Markets

2018 Developed Ingredients Business

2019/20 Future Opportunities Await

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