USD Baseball 2002

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2002 Torero Baseball

USO Athletie Department John Martin Director ofAthletic Facilities

Carl Reed Director ofJenny Craig Pavilion Carl Reed joined the US O staff in Ju ly, 2000 in the new position of Director of the Jenny Craig Pavi li on. Reed comes to USO from Ca l Berkeley where he he ld the titl e ofAssistant Events Man– ager for two years. A graduate of Saint Mary 's Co llege (B.A. in Poli tics, '96; M.A. in Sports Admin istration, '99), Reed also held athletic de– partment positions at Saint Mary 's College and with the West Coast Conference.

John Martin has been a member of the USO athletic staff since I975. He was the school's first head women's voll eyba ll coach, a post he held through the 1989 season, and also oversaw the Recreation Department. As voll eyball coach, he directed theToreros to th ree postseason ap– pearances, inc ludi ng a 4th place finis h at the 1976 AIAW Nationals. As Director of Athletic Faci lities, Martin

Besides overseeing all home athl etic events, Reed will help oversee the day-to-day operations, management and marketing of the building to he lp attract outside events Iike concerts, trade-shows, etc. Carl resides in La Mesa , California. Chandra Kohler, Events Manager ofJenny Craig Pavilion

oversees all the scheduling, fie ld maintenance and purchasing. The past few years he was the department's key liason during the construction of the Jenny Cra ig Pav ili on. A graduate of San Diego State (B .A. & M.A. in Hi story), John resides in Enci nitas with hi s w ife Jane. They have two children: Eliza and Patrick, both attend US O. Joel Morgan Asst. Dir. ofAthletic Facilities

Joel jo ined the USO ath letic department staff in Jul y, 2000 to assist John Martin wit h athl etic fac ili ties. Before coming to USO, Morgan spent the past two years serving as a Graduate Assistant at Gonzaga University where he earned his Master of Arts Degree in Ath letic Administra– tion. Joel has participated in event manage– ment duties for such contests as the NCAA

Chandra Kohl er is in her second year at USO in the position o f Ass istant Director of the Jenny Craig Pavili on. Kohler comes to USO from the Uni vers ity of Denver where she was the Assistant Direc– tor of Facilities and Operations for the Dan iel L. Ritchie Center fo r Sports and We ll ness. She earned her B.S degree in Sports Medic ine from

Centra l Michigan Un iversi ty ( 1994) and later her Master 's degree in Spo1 Admini stration from Bowling Green State University ( 1997).Chandra and her husband, Mike, res ide in El Cajon. Shaney Fink

Wrestling Champi onshi ps, NCAA Men's Gymnastic Champ ionshi ps, and Big Ten Tenni s Championsh ips. Joel also obtai ned experience as an admini strator for the 1999 NCAA Elite Eight and 2000 Sweet Sixteen Men's Basketba ll Tournaments . Joel obtained hi s Bac helor of Science degree in Sports Management from the Uni versity o f Iowa in 1997. Joel and hi s wife, Erin, reside in Poi nt Loma. Mike Matoso Compliance Coordinator

Academic Support Coordinator S ha ney Fink beg in s he r first year as US D's Academic S uppo rt Coord inato r. She ta kes over fo r M ike Ma toso, w ho m oves into the newly c reated pos iti o n of Compli– ance Coord in ator. Thi s past year she was on the Torero vo ll ey– ba ll coac hing staff as a first year assistant, he lp– ing the Toreros to a 23 -6 record and second round fi nish in the NCAA Tournament. Prior

Mike Matoso is in hi s secon d season as US D's Compliance Coordi nator, and third year w ith the USO staff. During the 1999-00 sea– son he was the Academic Suppo11 Coordinator. Prior to USO, he spent three years as the Academic Counselor at Southern Ca lifornia. Before USC , Mik e served as th e Academ ic Advisor fo r all 18 interco ll egiate programs for Cal Poly San Luis Obispo fo r two years. He

to USO she gained coachi ng experience at the hi gh schoo l, co ll ege and internationa l levels fo r four years. She capped off a stell ar co llegiate ca– reer ( 1990-93) at Ca l Berke ley and won se lection to the All- Pac IO De– cade Team. Fink completed her B.A ., graduating w ith honors in Social Sc ience from Berke ley in 1994. Dean Aresco Strength & Conditioning Coach Dean Aresco is in his first season as USD's Strength and Conditi oning Coach. He comes to USO via Towson State Uni versity where he was ,- their head coach the past three season s. Addi– tional professiona l experi ences include stints at ) ' the Uni versity o f Connecticut as a Graduate ~, Assistant, and at th e U. S. Ol ympic Trainin g Center in San Di ego as the Interim Strength and Conditi oni ng Coord inator. He earned hi s B.S. in Exercise Physiology in 1995 from the Uni versity of Connecti cut, and is c lose to completing hi s M.A. degree there in the same fie ld. A NSCA Ce11ifi ed Strength and Conditioning Specialist, he also holds memberships with NSCA, the U.S. Weightlifting Federation , and the Ameri– can Co ll ege of Sports Medic ine.

earned both hi s B.S. degree in Phys ica l Educati on ( 1993) and M.A. in Education, Counseling ( 1994) from Cal Poly. He was also a starting pitcher for the Mustangs baseball team that fi nished 2"

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