1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



white portions, bones, &c., place in the stock-pot and cover with clear, cold water, i J quarts to the i lb. of meat ; the softer the water, the better the soup. Add spices, such as white peppers, mace, celery seed, cardamums, at will ; no ground spices, or the soup will cloud, and only enough of the whole spice to delicately flavour the stock. I enclose the spices in a tea strainer ball till the stock is skimmed, then I proceed with the skimming, and when boiling, salt. When the liquid has reduced, I just keep the meat covered, and if more water has to be added, it is taken from the hot water tank. As stock is wanted draw it from the taps. It should be clear and bright. It can now be flavoured with vegetables or spices, and used in the making of soups or sauces. In Continental Hotels of the first class, they use beasts* and sheep's lights to make white stock, for clear soups, adding soaked gelatine, to give it the consistency of soup from knuckles of veal and bones, &c. At other hotels, the clear soup is entirely made of gelatine, soaked in water, dissolved, diluted with warm water, as for aspic and other jellies. The flavourings of meat and vegetable, spices, &c., are given in the process of clearing. But good stock stews till it clears itself. No. 2. Brown stock is made from coarse meats, sticking part of beef, bones from legs of mutton, ribs of beef, lean trimming of meat not otherwise wanted ; rabbit heads, ham bones, **not too many, but just enough," leaving out all marrow and fat, which latter is utilized in another way. Just prepare it as for white stock, using if you like, black pepper, pimentos, cloves or any such spices, and cook as directed in the General Remarks. Clear the pot out thoroughly once a week, and renew the stock-making material every 24 hours.

To Make Glaze.

Strain ofl" all the stock that is to spare, put it into a chemically clean pot or stewpan, and boil down till it is of

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