1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



— not

the consistence, and has the appearance of molasses

Oil square tin trays, pour

golden syrup ;

but thick treacle.

When it is nearly set, mark it out into squares.

this on.

When quite set, dry and store for use. A cook who knows anything of kitchen work will always have plenty of home made glaze by him. In the Continental Hotels brown soup, and stocks are pre- pared from liver of beasts, half its weight in lights, J its weight of the milt, cut into strips, also bones. This is stewed or simmered for 24 hours, and is then ready to make the foundation of every brown soup under the sun. Hare soup that never saw a hare ; gravy soups, &c., ad. lib. Take carrots, turnips, leeks, or onions, celery, &c., but let there be less turnip and onion than other vegetables. There are plenty half turnips, and carrots that have been used for the red portions as garnish, or for macedoine, &c., and the honey combs thus made, are never thrown away but put into the stock-pot. All except beetroot, that is used up in small salads. The quantities are one pint of water to each 1 lb. of vegetable. These also are stewed, being placed in cold water and gradually brought to boiling point. This boils for 6 hours, and is then racked off. It is also salted after it has boiled. Vegetable Stock.

Milk Soup.

Cowheel, or knuckle of veal ;

Ingredients :

2 quarts of milk ;

2 ozs. of mild onion ;


of carrot ;

oz. of turnip



; whole pepper, mace, cornflour, salt.


As this soup requires to be prepared by itself, and not from the contents of either stock-pot on account of the salt, I give

under the sample soups.

Choose a dressed cowheel.


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