1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



N. B. It is imperative that the forcemeat should be very fine for all these high class dishes, not only passed through the mincer twice but well manipulated in the mortar, and in many kitchens it is passed through a fine meshed steel wire


Potage a la Due de Connaught,

(Duke of Connaught Soup.)

Ingredients: Cold cooked fowl, 1 quart of brown stock, \\ pints of vegetable stock, 2 tablespoonfuls of fresh coarse- ly ground linseed meal — a few fresh vegetables, herbs, butter, curry powder, cream. Put the newly ground meal into the oven, and bake for quite 15 minutes, taking care that it does not burn. Whilst Mix the two kinds of stock, and pour them into a clean stewpan, add a slice or two of carrot, a bunch of sweet herbs, (parsley, thyme, bayleaf,) stew these for a few minutes to extract the flavour, then strain off. Put into the stewpan 2 ozs. of butter, and make a roux with the linseed meal, add a tablespoonful of curry powder of medium strength, then pour in the stock gently by degrees, stirring the whole time ; next lay in the fowl, let it simmer half an hour. Skim and serve. it is baking, cut the white flesh of a fowl into dice, say about a teacupful.

Potage a la Albert Victor*

(Albert Victor Soup.)

Ingredients : i lb. Veal, cream, 2 eggs, mushroom powder, parsley, white baked flour, pepper, salt, nutmeg, water, white cream sauce, flaky paste, clear white stock, gelatine, herbs, i lb. of lean beef. For every quart of soup it is intended to make, soak i oz. N

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