1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant


2 TO

of gelatine in cold water, just about 2 tablespoonfuls. Whilst it is soaking prepare the veal by passing it twice through a fine mincing machine. Every bit of stringy fibre must be removed, then season with pepper and salt, &c., pounding the meat in a mortar for quite 5 minutes ; then add the yolk of an egg, work this well into the veal, also a table- spoonful of flour. Now form it into little balls as large as a hollyberry. Roll out flaky paste quite thin, cut it into IJ inch squares, re-divide crosswise. Put a ball into each, and a small quantity of cream sauce, wet and pinch up the paste to the shape of a cocked hat. Allow about 4 for each ladle of soup. Brush over with egg, and fry a golden brown, the colour of maize or Indian corn — drain on 2 papers, and keep hot. PART II. Take the gelatine put it into a stewpan with 2 quarts of white stock, pass the lean beef through the mincer and add with it a bunch of sweet herbs. Taste the stock and see if with a rotary whisk, use the old-fashioned wire. it boils, when it begins to rise in the pan let it come well up the sides for a minute or two, then turn down the gas and leave it to clear. Many people use white of egg and shells — but they only impoverish the quality of the soup. If however, the stock is badly prepared, thick from in- Strain through a fine linen cloth, and pour into the tureen by the aid of a tunstal. The little decorations should be at the bottom of the tureen and the soup the colour of fine pale sherry. A few V. A. Italian paste stars, and the soup is ready for table. Whisk till sufficient cooking, or improper ingredients, use the whites and shells of the eggs (2) in place of the gelatine. it is quite agreeable to the palate. If it requires more seasoning, add it in the shape of whole spices. Now whisk vigorously till a good foam rises. This cannot be done

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