48 Section 48 Section 48

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Irrigation and Aspiration Cannulas, Eye Cannulas, Tonometer Cànulas de irrigación y aspiración, Cánulas oculares, Tonómetro Cannule per irrigazione ed aspirazione, Cannula oculistiche, Tonometro

SCHEIE 48-302-33 1 . 5 x 33 mm

SCHEIE 48-302-28 1 . 8 x 28 mm

SIMCOE 48-300-23 23 gauge

MOD. BONN 48-309-00

MOD. TÜBINGEN 48-303-45

MOD. HAMBURG 48-305-00

SIMCOE 48-306-00

MOD. BONN 48-307-00

SCHIOTZ 48-404-00 48-406-00 S traight Angled recta oblícua

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