48 Section Section 48

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Eye Magnet, Cilia Forceps Imàn para cuerpos extraños, Pinzas depilatorias Calamita per corpi estranei, Pinze depilatorie



A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l N UTH EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Eye Magnet, Cilia Forceps Imàn para cuerpos extraños, Pinzas depilatorias Calamita per corpi estranei, Pinze depilatorie Eye Magnet, Cilia Forceps Imàn para cuerpos extraños, Pinzas depilatorias Cal mita per corpi estranei, Pinze depilatorie

9cm,3.5" 48-410-09 Portal Type 48-411-09 Planet Type 48-415-09 Swiss Type (Not Illustrated) Cilia and Suture Forceps

9cm,3.5" 48-410-09 Portal Type 48-411-09 Planet Type 48-415-09 Swiss Type (Not Illustrated) Cilia and Suture Forceps 9cm,3.5" 48-410- 9 Portal Type 48-41 -09 Planet Type 48-415-09 Swiss Type (Not Illustrated) Cilia nd Sut re Forceps

DOUGLAS 48-422-09 9 cm, 3 1 / 2 ”

Eye Magnet/Loop 48-408-00

BEER 48-420-09 9 cm, 3 1 / 2 ”

DOUGLAS 48-42 -09 9 cm, 3 1 / 2 ”

Eye Magnet/Lo p 48-408-0

BE R 48-420- 9 9 cm, 3 1 / 2 ”

DOUGLAS 48-422-09 9 cm, 3 1 / 2 ”

Eye Magnet/Loop 48-408-00

BEER 48-420-09 9 cm, 3 1 / 2 ”

GRADLE 48-428-09 9 . 5 cm, 3 3 / 4 ”

LITTAUER 48-424-08 8 . 5 cm, 3.4”

BARRAQUER 48-425-10 10 . 5 cm, 4.1“

BERGH 48-426-09 9 cm, 3 1 / 2 ”



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