2011 Fall Newsletter

Harvestfest Fundraiser Dinner November 10th.

at the Paola Community Center $25aguest

Betty Bendorf explains some of the changes to the museum. MFę UP SJHIU (FPSHF 1SFU[ %BOOZ (BMMBHIFS )BOOFT 1PUUFS museum vice president, Wayne Johnson Financial advisor, 3PC 3PCFSUT +JN 8JTF BOE #FUUZ #FOEPSČ

Miami County Commisioners Ron Stiles, Jim Wise, Rob Roberts, Danny Gallagher and George Pretz visited the . VTFVN UP PCTFSWF ĕ STU I BOE UI F N BOZ JN QSPWFN FOUT UI BU I BWF USBOTQJSFE TJ ODF ĕ STU PG UI JT ZFBS

Joe Hursey led a group discussion on the history of Miami County in the “Dumping of Native Americans” during the Indian resettlement of the Eastern tribes.

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