2011 Fall Newsletter

Kristen and Steven Graue of Middle Creek Winery won the auction of the William Quantrill painting for $325.00

Oil portrait of William Quantrill painted and donated by Claud Davis of Paola.

Come in and tour the middle room of the museum to view some of the prize winning exhibits from the 2011 .JBNJ $PVOUZ 'BJS ć FSF BSF NBOZ ) BSUT DSBę T XPPEXPSLJOH BOE TFXJOH QSPKFDUT PO WJFX

ć F NVTFVN IBT UIPVTBOET PG BSSPXIFBET JO TUPSBHF that will be shown when we have proper display cases.

Volunteer Joan Muelller, data entry for the Past Perfect museum cataloging program.

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