2016 Fall Newsletter

Merry Christmas

Miami County Genealogy & Historical Society 12 East Peoria Paola, KS 66071 Return Service Requested

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E-Mail: info@think miamicountyhistory.com


Price $2.00



President- Colleen Ewan Vice President- Larry Lybarger Secretary- LeAnne Shields Treasurer- LuAnne Debrick

913-294-5051 913-294-9769 913-710-1767 913-259-5027 913-837-8220 913-294-4113 913-259-5027 913-849-3366 913-557-3000 785-869-3246 913-755-4646 913-755-2391 913-755-3504 913-294-3312 913-294-2779 913-710-1767 913-849-3278 913-963-1112 913-244-4587 913-294-5051

G Ję C orner Pg 3 Letter from the President Pg 4 Library Pg 4 Mini Minutes, Pg 5 Accessions Pg 6 Christmas & Miss. Pg 7 Bettie G. Ore Pg 8 Mallory Obit & Story Pg-9 Indian Room photos Pg -14 Comp. D National Guard Pg 15 - 18 Lloyd’s Letters Pg 19 - 21 Publications for sale Pg 22 Heritage Walk Bricks Pg 23 Our Christmas tree Backcover ć F (FOFBMPHZ 4FDUJPO Queries & Researchers Pg 5 /PUJDF 5P ć F .FNCFSTIJQ ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM .VTFVN NFN bership dues are $25.00 Make checks out to: Miami County Historical Museum 12 East Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071-0123 Pg 10 - 11 Pg 12 - 13 Christmas toys School & bus Tour

Board of Directors

Louisburg - Jack Burcham

Marysville Township - Mildred Haley Member at Large - LuAnne Debrick Miami Township - Nina Gerken Middle Creek Township - Hannes Poetter Mound Township - Donna Darner Osage Township - AnnDavis Osawatomie City- Ona Neuenschwander Osawatomie Township - Ben Maimer Paola City - Bettie Ore Paola Township - Elsie Cordle Richland Township - LeAnne Shields Stanton Township - Lloyd Peckman Sugar Creek Township - Nancy Kline Ten Mile Township - Patsy Bortner Valley Township - Colleen Ewan Wea Township - Larry Lybarger

913-294-9769 Genealogy Society Coordinator- Betty Bendorf 913-557-2485 Accessions Coordinator- Bernice Chitwood 913-557-9358 Newsletter - Roger Shipman 913-259-9219 Financial ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM .VTFVN JT B /PO 1SPĕ U 0SHBOJ zation with a tax exempt status allowed by the Internal Revenue %FQU (Ję BOE EPOBUJPOT SFDFJWFE CZ UIF 4PDJFUJFT BSF EFEVDUJCMF for Income Tax purposes. For additional information or questions regarding Endowments, Trusts, etc., Please contact us at 913-294 4940

A Newsletter of the Miami County Historical Museum & Genealogy Society Fall 2016 Volume 31 - No.3 Miami County Historical Museum 12 E. Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071

E-Mail: info@think miamicountyhistory.com

Phone: 913-294-4940

Web address; www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com Museum Hours: Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.


7JTJU PVS HJę DPSOFS We have books, out of print museum books on DVD, brochures of local attractions, numerous historical Paola photos suitable for GSBNJOH UFF TIJSUT IBUT BOE TPNF GSFF TUVČ

Hours for the Museum Open Monday through Friday 10:00a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed Saturday with the exceptioon of special occasions For appointments call:

913-557-2485 816-392-0605 913-294-9769

ć JT JT ZPVS /FXTMFUUFS What do you want included in the newsletter

One of our objectives is to bring to our members an interesting and informative newsletter. *O PSEFS UP EP UIJT XF OFFE ZPVS IFMQ ć F QSJNBSZ RVFTUJPO JT 8IBU EP ZPV XBOU JO ZPVS newsletter? Secondly, are we currently including the type of material that interests you the NFNCFSTIJQ ć JSE EP XF OFFE UP JODMVEF NPSF PS MFTT PG B TQFDJĕ D TVCKFDU NBUUFS ć JOL BCPVU XIBU ZPV XPVME MJLF UP TFF JO UIF OFXTMFUUFS BOE MFU VT LOPX Our e-mail address is: info@think miamicountyhistory.com Our web page is: www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com lf you are a Facebook member: Just like us on Facebook. Our mailing address and telephone number is: Miami County Historical Museum 12 E. Peoria Paola, KS 66071 913-294-4940 ć BOLT JO BEWBODF

ć F .VTFVN JT BMXBZT OFFEJOH IFMQ Stop by and sign up to volunteer.

Call 913-294-4940


Letter from the President We have had several large tour groups visit the mu TFVN MBUFMZ 0VS OFX *OEJBO 3PPN JT B CJH IJU ć F tee-pee is up and the children love to see it. We have invited all the Miami County schools to bring their classes to visit the museum or use it for research. We have items on display this month to honor our Miami County Veterans. We also have a complete room dedicated to the Military. In building one, the Christmas tree is up and the an tique toys and ornaments are out on display. We have been selling a lot of memorial bricks for the Park Square. If you would like to have a brick, or bricks, celebrating you or your family, give us a call. ć F CSJDLT BSF FBDI :PV DBO HP UP QBHF GPS details.

Colleen Ewan

Save the date of December 13 from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. and come to the open house to honor Bettie Ore. Bettie was one of the co-founders of the Miami County Museum which was started in 1965. Colleen Ewan, President

LIBRARY Work is progressing on going through the boxes of civil records we received in May from the courthouse. Decisions are being made on what to do with them. ć F BFSJBM NBQT SFDFJWFE FBSMJFS IBWF CFFO QVU JO PSEFS and are for the year of 2012. We are also going through the many boxes of genealogy records from .BSHBSFU 4NJUI BOE QVUUJOH UIFN JO ĕ MFT .BSHBSFU IBE done much research on the many lines of her family. And then we are back to getting the history of the buildings around the square. All this takes up a lot more time than the space here to tell about it. Betty Bendorf, Librarian

Library Research ć F GPMMPXJOH BSF XBML JO SFTFBSDIFST UP UIF MJCSBSZ recently and surnames or information being re searched. Hilary Weber (Weaver, Crose, McTeer, Persinger) James T Karr (Karr) Rosemary Kaiser (McCullough 1840-1961, Foresman 1861-1968) Susan Toman (Toman 1920-1935, Gordon 1870 1910, Ryan 1910) Barbara A. Ferrell (Odenbaugh) Steve Rohrer (Rohrer) Janice Prothe (Jenison/Jennison, Bowen, Hart, Kimes) Sharon Crawford Lake (Crawford) PamSirko (info from cemetery book) Sandra Dennis (Info from Osawatomie State Hospital) +FČ SFZ 1 4QFODFS (Martz, Spencer) Barbara Moore +PTFQI 3 .D%BOJFM ć PNBT 4 McDaniel) ć FTF SFTFBSDIFST DBNF GSPN UIF TUBUFT PG ,BOTBT Missouri, Texas, Colorado, Minnesota, Ohio, and California.

TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola. Tax included price is $28.00 " HSFBU $ISJTUNBT HJę How to purchase on page 22


Queries AnnSpeck wanted copies of Indianapolis cemetery pages. Benjamin Cloud wants any information on Eva )PČ NBO &XJOH "MBO 4XJN XBOUFE PCJU GPS .BVE (Haughn) Hume Susan Toman Rouchka is looking for cemetery re cords for Mahala Gordon and Rufus L Gordon Sr. Ann Dysart Edmondson wanted obits and cemetery records for Hannah Dysart, Dr. Elbert Hoagland and ldah Hoagland. Angie Hackett wanted records from Osawatomie State Hospital Vicki A. Boyer wanted record from Osawatomie State Hospital on Marie W. Boone. Belinda Wilkerson wants obits for Nicks, Weaver and White families Mary Westerhold wants death and burial information on Joseph Weishaupt who in 1940 was in the Osawato mie State Hospital Tina Martin is looking for burial information on 3rd great Uncle Alford Morgan who was in Osawatomie State Hospital 1880-1900 MikeClark JT USZJOH UP ĕ OE PCJU GPS 3PZ .JMMFS Melissa Frazier wants information about early places for the delivering of babies in Paola Jane Fairburn wants death records for Ellinor Miller Yates Jones, John Clement Jones and Olive Dysart Jones. BeckyHale IPQFT UP ĕ OE JOGPSNBUJPO PO .ST /JOB Orm who died at the Osawatomie State Hospital Aug 171918. Jane Fairburn needs documentation on the obits we had sent her ć FTF RVFSJFT IBWF CFFO SFTFBSDIFE CZ &MTJF $PSEMF and Iris Kluber.

Page5 -BSSZ IBT QVU VQ UIF ę UFF QFF JO UIF *OEJBO 3PPN XJUI UIF help of Lloyd Peckman. Don Hadlock cut the poles for the canvas and it is secure. Patsy will paint scenes on the outside, also indian blankets are on order. Con’t on Pg. 6 MINI MINUTES ć F GPMMPXJOH BSF IJHIMJHIUT PG &YFDVUJWF BOE %JSFDUPS NFFU ings, for your information, and a way to let you (a member) in on the workings of the museum. July ć F 5SFBTVSFS HBWF B SFQPSU BDDPVOUJOH GPS NPOJFT VTFE BOE remaining on improvements and updating the Indian Room. Fourteen chairs and two tables have been purchased to up grade and will replace some meeting room chairs. Jim Bousman handed out information on the bids for the security system. Discussion on cameras, future updates for FYQBOTJPO CVSHMBSZ ĕ SF TZTUFN DVSSFOU FRVJQNFOU BOE functioning of equipment. More discussion on the bids and Barnhart Security was agreed on. Larry reported on the status of the Indian tepee to be ordered for the Indian Room. He also purchased a safe ladder for use. Much gratitude was expressed to Roger Shipman for his many hours of creating artwork photos for the Indian Room and also for the great job he does on the quarterly. We currently have 40 stackable chairs for meetings and the surplus (due to the lack of storage space) will be sold. August Printing on the front window will be redone and brought up to date. Lettering of “Miami County Museum Indian Room” will be put on the front window of the third building. Larry is going to order an authentic bow and arrow and a drum. ć F DIJMESFO XJMM FOKPZ UIFTF JUFNT -MPZE TIPXFE B OFXTMFU ter from the Miami Indians of Oklahoma and suggested we might subscribe to it. Nancy suggested we send a letter to the teachers that teach history in their classes. She handed out a list of 4th and 5th HSBEF BOE PG UI BOE UI HSBEF UFBDIFST ć FZ NJHIU DPOTJEFS the museum as a source for information. Discussion on the stackable chairs, it was decided to advertise them on Craigs List. September Jim Bousman will instruct on how to set the night and week end alarm system. With the new system the insurance on the buildings should decrease. It has been noted that there is a new pellet or BB gun hole in the 2nd building front window. 1PMJDF IBWF CFFO OPUJĕ FE


VOLUNTEER and VISITOR REPORT July through October 2016 Volunteers - 19 Hours - 1625 Betty Bendorf, Patsy Bortner, Jim Bousman, Bernice Chitwood, Vera Dakin, Luanne Debrick, Pat Erickson, Colleen Ewan, Nina Gerken, Mildred Haley, Nancy Hart-Kline, Iris Kluber, Larry Lybarger, Rita Moore, Lloyd Peckman, Teresa Read, Ann Roark, Leanne Shields and Roger Shipman. ć SFF #PBSE .FFUJOHT BWFSBHF QFS NFFUJOH Several Executive Board Meetings Total Hours - 55 Visitors - 717 States Represented (27) Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecti cut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Ver mont and Washington. Countries Represented Brazil, South America and Republic of Moldova (Eastern Europe) ć F .VTFVN IBT SFQSJOUT PG QBTU /FXTMFUUFST GPS sale Colleen mentioned that the Patterson Circus book was men tioned in the “Read It Free” Flyer and that it can be pur chased at the Museum. Lloyd reported that the Miami Indian Tribe is having a pow wow in Louisburg next weekend for local native people. Regarding the letter to be sent to the school teachers of 4, 5, 6 &7th grades, it is about getting young people into the museum and that we should not forget about the boy scouts, 4-H clubs and home schooled children. Donna moved that LeAnne Shields be in charge of spear heading the membership drive. She had challenged the di rectors to each bring in 5 new members instead of having a Fund Raiser Dinner. Motion passed.

Denise & Diane Kettler Photo, wedding dress, a mans hat,a glass ornament shaped like a high-heeled shoe and newspaper clip pings DanMorgan Songbook County court house abstracts Roger Shipman Model wood windmill with the well and pump Donna L. Kill .JMJUBSZ TUVČ GSPN 7JFUOBN BOE ,PSFB Charlene Bredemeier Y DFSUJĕ DBUF DPNNFNPSBUJOH UIF DSPTTJOH UIF Equator in battleship around 1945. Eva Rae Walters -BSHF EPMM UIBU TIF XPO BU B GVODUJPO ć F EPMM JT dressed as a Paola High Band member Accessions Coordinator- Bernice Chitwood TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola. Tax included price is $28.00 C harles H. Mallory Dead April 13, 1917 Year by year our old me familiar ci zens leave us for the great beyond. Death has now called Charles H. Mallory who peacefully passed away at his apartment in the Opera House building Friday evening, April 13, 1917. Charles H. Mallory was in his 70th year. He was born October 20, 1846 at Pi sfield, Illinois. He was of En glish extrac on. His father was engaged in merchan dising where Charles acquired his early business ex perience, and lived in Pi sfield un l he enlisted in the civil war in Co. G 1st Illinois Infantry, serving to the close of the war. A er the war he learned the Cont next page How to purchase on page 22 Trivia From Our Files


hardware business and located at Potosi, MO and es tablished a hardware store and was married to Miss Fannie Deane. Disposing of his interest there, he came to Paola in the spring of 1881, purchased Captain N. P. Gregg’s hardware store and conducted the business un l De cember of that year. Then he sold an interest to G.E. and W. D. Abbo . For several years he was a member of the firm Disposing of that interest, he engaged in building and improving property in Paola and was our most enterprising ci zen. In addi on to making mi nor improvements on buildings, he erected five of the best residences in Paola. He at one me owned the old Paola Hall building, and disposing of it, he erected our large opera house which was then one of the chief needs of the town and has always been a credit to the builder and owner and which will stand as a monument to his enterprise and public spirited interest in the community. He was ably seconded in all his enterprises by Mrs. Mallory, a lady of breadth of mind and depth of character, and who, with her husband did a great deal in the devel opment of this community.

Mr. Mallory was by nature of a busy and ac ve tem perament and could not be idle, and with the late B. E. Spencer, he established an exclusive boot and shoe store in Paola, in which business he engaged for several years at the same me managing his opera house un l the past three years when his daughter, Miss Lucy, took the ma er principally in charge due to his health. For seventeen years he was con nuously agent for the Bell Telephone Company in Paola and a er Mrs. Mallory’s death in 1912, he resigned to the regret of the man agers of the company. He was a member of the Board of Educa on and looked a er the construc on of the South School building. In 1895 he was the Democra c nominee for Register of Deeds and although beaten in that three-cornered fight, he polled a larger vote than his party’s strength. Part of me he was interested in farm lands and conducted farming in this county. Up rightness marked every transac on. County people were his warm friends and all who associated with him had high respect for his integrity. Mr. Mallory was a kind hearted, broad minded, liberal, public spirited business man, a good adviser and when in good health was among the leaders in community interest. Another veteran has answered the roll for the last me. He sleeps, for he is done with war, done with worry, done with sickness, done with earth.

The Mallory Opra House was located a half block east of the museum, across from the present Paola City Hall. The Opra House was constructed in1895 and was consumed by fire in 1921

Page 7

AND SO IT BEGAN………………… The Miami County Historical Society – 1965 A Tribute to Be e Ore One a ernoon in the summer of 1965, two ladies were spending a pleasant a ernoon visi ng. One, Bea Mount, a re red spinster who had lived in Miami County all her life and was best known as the Manager of the women’s clothing department at Coles Store on the west side of the square. The other was Be e Ore who was raised in Coffey County, Kansas. However they were in agreement on one thing: a love of an ques and history.

As their conversa on progressed they talked about the background and great history of Paola and Miami County and how it would be lost if nothing was done to preserve it. What to do about it? Create a histor ical society? People were contacted that might have an interest in it. A le er was wri en to the Kansas State Historical Society asking for informa on in or ganizing such a group. A representa ve arrived and a mee ng was held with eighteen persons in a en dance – from all areas of the county. From the be ginning it was to be a County Historical Society and ul mately a County museum. The second mee ng was held on December 2 – the official start of the Miami County Historical Society. Bob Carey was elected first President. The purpose of the organiza on was to preserve the history of Mi ami County. It was to have a governing body of not less than 7 or more than 9 persons serving two year terms. Annual dues were $2.00

At the third mee ng it was voted to increase the Board of Directors to thirteen in order to have a more com plete coverage of the county. It was decided it would be more favorable to have ar cles of incorpora on and by-laws. Sister Charles from Ursuline first came to the society mee ngs in 1966 and became one of the “spark plugs” in the organiza on. Few could tell Sister Charles “no” if she asked them for something. In March 1977, the Arnold Building on the north side of the square could be purchased for $12,500. This was approved and Sister Charles agreed and immediately set out to raise the funds – which she did. The museum needed a name so a contest was organized and the name chosen was Swan River Museum. AND SO IT BEGAN…………….. (Excerpts of this ar cle were taken from the memoirs as wri en by Be e Ore. Her compila on tells many more stories, trials and tribula ons in ge ng the museum started. It is available at the Museum.) Be e Ore


Party! Party! Open House Please join us in honoring Be e Ore for over 50 years of volunteering with the Miami County Museum A recep on will be held Tuesday, December 13 from 10:00 to 12:00 noon at the museum Hope you will stop by and help us celebrate and honor her for all those hears of dedicated service.

On the behalf of the volunteers here at the museum we want to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all our friends, patrons, and sponsors.


Paving the Way to Heritage Walk BuyaBrick " VOJRVF $ISJTUNBT (Ję Page 23 to order

ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson

A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola Kansas.

Tax included price is $28.00

How to purchase is on page 22


Lids from Sunflower school visit the Indian room.

Summit Seniors from Lee’s Summit touring the museum.

OUR NEW ADDITION TO THE INDIAN ROOM Our newest addi on to the Indian Room is our 9 foot tall pi. The pi was ordered from the Reliable Tent of Billings, Montana. It is an authen c pi that was designed from several Indian cultures in Montana and has been in interna onal Indian fairs. This par cular pi was of the Sioux style. They made and shipped the canvas to our museum without poles. The cost was prohibi ve to order poles from Montana, so with the sugges on of the company, we made poles in Paola to fit the pi. The lumber was donated by Miami County Lumber and the poles were cut and shaped by Don Hadlock in his cabinet shop. Don and I made the poles and then I stained and sealed them. Don donated his me and equipment for the project. With the help of Lloyd Peckman, and Bill Calvin, I raised the tent and made a base for the poles to protect our oak floors. In recent weeks, Jean Cook and Patsy Bortner have added pictures of buffalo and ar s c markings to the tent. We also ordered several Indian blankets to place inside the pi for the floor. Now one of the first things one sees upon entering the Indian Room of our Museum is the pi standing tall and welcoming our guests. Larry Lybarger


Cute dolls dressed in na ve costumes.

Beaded man’s vest with fringe Plains indian May have been created for wild west show Dates 1890 - 1895. Obtained by the museum in 2010 from Caroline T. Switzer of Spring Hill It had belonged to Phillip Russell un l the 1960’s. He obtained it in1895.

Jean Cook and Patsy Bortner painted the designs on our new pi.

Doll in Na ve American dress.




Sunflower School’s 4th.grade class of Jolene Pennington toured the museum in October. The group was hosted by leAnne Shields and Indian arrowhead expert Harold Dee Graham, Louisburg, Kansas explained about the indian ar facts

The museum was host to a bus load of seniors from Lee’s Summit MO in September, They were on a tour of Paola and Miami County. LeAnne is discuss ing history with Mark Lichte. They enjoyed a buffet lunch at Timber Creek restaurant in Louisburg


Mesquite, Cactus, Ra lesnakes, Scorpions and Tarantulas An old- mer told me “in Texas there are three things you can be sure of, something will s ck you, bite you or s ng you.” By Jim Bousman

By 1840 Texas had gained independence from Mexico and established the Republic of Texas. Mexico s ll claimed California and the southwestern part of what is now the United States. The cry of “Manifest Des ny” spurred the western expansion across the Mississippi River. Soon land trails crossed to Santa Fe and others forged their way to the Pacific Ocean. The Captains of Industry longed for a railroad to the Pacific. Early plans were made for a southern route because it was easier than crossing the Rockies. However, Mexico stood in the way. In order to secure land for the railroad the United States annexed Texas, started a war with Mexico and obtained the last 29,670 square miles through the Gadsden Purchase. Even though the land was now part of the United States, many Mexicans thought these lands s ll belonged to Mexico. A er the Gadsden Purchase, the United States Government’s only interest in Mexico was protec on of U. S. investments. However, by the turn of the 20th century the border was beginning to play a larger role in U. S. - Mexican rela ons. The Mexican Revolu on and the escala on of raids by Mexican na onals across the land border and Rio Grande caused the deployment of U. S. Army forces along the southern border with Mexico. During the summer of 1915, guerrilla warfare broke out all along the border. The “straw that broke the camel’s back” was Pancho Villas’ a ack on a detachment of the 13th U. S. Cavalry and the town of Columbus, New Mexi co on March 9, 1916. A er the a ack on Columbus, President Wilson order a Puni ve Expedi on led by General John J. Pershing to cross into Mexico in pursuit of Pancho Villa.


While Pershing was pursuing Villa in the Mexican State of Chihuahua, Mexican President Carranza’s troops dressed in civilian clothing increased their a acks along the Lower Rio Grande. Although the Plan de San Diego did not fully materialize, the Anglo popula on along the Lower Rio Grande was convinced the Mexican Government was trying to start a revolu on in Texas. When General J. B. Trevino (of Carranza’s army), no fied General Pershing that U. S. forces would not be allowed to move any further into Mexico, a “state of War” seemed emanate. Between 1914 and 1916 the War Department sent almost the en re Army and Coastal Defense personnel sta on in the U. S. to the southern border. With the Puni ve Expedi on in Mexico and insufficient regular troops to cover the border, President Wilson ac vated the Na onal Guards of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico on May 9, 1916. Even with these addi onal forces, it was evident to the War Department there would not be sufficient forces on the border in event of actual war with Mexico. Accordingly, on June 18, 1916 President Wilson ordered the Na onal Guard of all States into federal service. On the morning of June 19 Captain George G. Tronjo, commander of Paola’s Company D, First Infantry Regiment, Kansas Na onal Guard, received orders to mobilize and prepare to entrain to Fort Riley for concentra on of the Kansas Na onal Guard before deploying to the U.S. – Mexican Border. The following members of Co. D assembled at the armory and later pitched their tents on the Park Square.

Captain George G. Tronjo 1st. Lt. J. H. Ashworth 2nd Lt. Robert S. Ayers 1st Sgt. Frank L. Tomlinson QM Sgt. David F. Darlinton


Hayes, Raymond L. Hamlin, Tom W. Hoffman, Harrison M. Huggins, Robert Jackson, Clifford Johnson, Victor L. Keefauver, Harry Lucas, Robert L. McCall, Archie M. McMahan, Ira E. McClendon, Charles Masters, Guy G. Maxwell, Fred M. Mear, Thomas Miller, Earl L. O’Roark, Jack Pearce, James A. Plain, Frank J. Redd, Hugh R. Redding, Lloyd C. Russell, Chester H. Sanders, Delmar Shipman, Ralph Smith, Clarence Smith, Elvie E. Snodgrass, Tyler J. Snyder, Hulin Spencer, Henry Stamback, Alfred S lwell, George Swearingen, Oral W. Taylor, Harold M. Van Wormer, Adrian Wheeldon, Albert White, Joseph A. Williams, Frank L. York, James M. Wills, James Henkel, Louis


Eugene Benne Chilton Cully Barry Price John I. Balocca Dale T. D. Redd Harry C. Treaster John P. Houlihan Orvie E. Ludwig Richard Andrews William E. Taylor Joe E. Ha ield Finley Cooksey Walter R. Harrold Lawrence F. Tronjo A ebery, Chester H. Ballard, William Benne , Marion E. Blaisdell, Richard S. Bowman, Willard C. Burgess, Ralph Crabtree, Albert Cedziwoda, Rudolph Fisher, Frank Glaze, Richard D. Glavin, Michael E. Gesner, Charles R. Hackney, Charles S. Corporals Cooks Musicians Ar fi cer Donald A. Benne Privates

Hamblen, Ed


A downpour began at 7:00 AM on June 23 as approximately 400 friends and love ones gathered with mem bers of Company D at the train sta on for their appointed departure at 7:50 AM. B. J. Sheridan, editor of The Western Spirit, wrote that the Paola City Band played a concert at the sta on while friends and loves ones “were so deeply engrossed in bidding farewell to their own loved ones, mingling last messages with their tears, that they had li le heart for inspiri ng cheers.” * The members of Company D were sworn into Federal Service at Fort Riley, underwent medical examina- ons, and drilled and drilled some more. Finally on July 1, the Company le Ft Riley and arrived at Eagle Pass, Texas on July 2. (Eagle Pass is on the Rio Grande across from Pedras Negras, Mexico. The members of Co. D could see Mexican soldiers across the river, but had no interac on with them.) A er detraining, the Company marched sever al miles into the desert and began hacking out a camp from among “mesquite, cactus, ra lesnakes, tarantulas, and scorpions in 100 degree heat – it hadn’t rained for nine months.” A er establishing what became known as Camp Sha er, training began. Although the Na onal Guard was federalized under the Na onal Defense Act of June 3, 1916 (which al lowed for military service outside the U.S.), the Guard was only deployed to protect the southern border. There fore, Company D did not see any ac on beyond guard duty at Interna onal Bridges and selected points of military concern. As a result, they drilled and trained. As part of their training Company D had a march every Saturday, beginning with short marches without back packs, leading up to marches of 15 to 16 miles with full field equipment. In a le er dated July 13, Camp Sha er, Eagle Pass, Texas to The Western Spirit, Richard Blaisdale says he, “is having the me of his life since leaving Paola, and wouldn’t have missed this jaunt for a barrel of money.” He goes on to say that while passing through Burlington, they were met by a large crowd and were given eats and cigars, even though soldiers preferred cigare es. “We are all mighty shy on them just now, too, as there has not been a nickel in the camp for about a week. If the people of Hometown would club together and send about one thousand rounds of Bull Durham, it would be appreciated ….” Blaisdale goes on to say that there has been more rain since

they arrived, then in the past year. On August 16 a two hour long hurricane hit the lower Rio Grande. The company was out on the firing range when the rain and wind hit. By the me they returned to camp, their tents and other structure were blown down. It didn’t take long to reassemble the camp and “chow” was served on me.

The daily rou ne started at 5:30 am with fa gue duty and followed the normal rou ne of an army camp. Off duty recrea on consisted mostly of playing baseball, wrestling, boxing and going to the YMCA. (Not to men on trips into town. However, they were not allowed to go into town a er 6:30 PM.) The men of the 1st. Kansas were a hardy lot as evidenced by the fact only 2% reported for sick call during their stay at Camp Sha er. Early September Company D, along with the 1st and 2nd Kansas Regi ments, was ordered to Camp Wilson, San Antonio in order to complete the 12th Provisional Division. The two

regiments were selected to par cipate in the first mass movement of troops and their equipment by motorized vehicles in the U. S. The move required 132 (chain driven with hard rubber res) trucks to transport the men from Eagle Pass to San Antonio. The regiments le on Septem ber 6 for an es mated 175 mile trip. Planks were placed across the side boards of the trucks and the men soon learned to use their blanket roll to so en the ride over the rough dirt roads. The convoy arrived at Camp Wilson on September 8 where the troops were rolled into the 12th Provisional Division. On September 16, the largest movement of troops in the United States since the Civil War started at San Anto nia for a march to Camp Mabry, on the outskirts of Aus n - a total of 83 miles. The men were given one canteen of water a day and marched with full equipment under the


hot Texas sun. As a true test of who they were, not one man of Company D fell out during the march to and the return from Aus n. While marching to Aus n the troops par cipated in an exercise between the “blue” and “red” armies. A er a three day rest, surviving a sever electrical storm and two inches of rain, the men of Company D marched back to San Antonio. Company D le San Antonio on October 13, returning

to Fort Riley on October 15. The company was scheduled to arrive at Paola the a ernoon of October 30; however, did not arrive un l 2:00 AM October 31. The grand “welcome home” was canceled because of their late arrival. The 1916 Na onal Guard mobiliza on was a dress rehearsal for the mobiliza on of Company D on August 5, 1917, when the unit was called again into Federal Service. This me the company served with valor in France.

Sources: Special thanks to Brigadier General Edward H. Gerhardt (Ret), Museum of the Kansas Na onal Guard, Topeka, Kan sas for his assistance in gathering material for this ar cle. Through his assistance and knowledge, I’ve been able to obtain a be er understanding of the role of the Kansas Na onal Guard during the border deployment and WW1. 1. The principal sources for this ar cle is Clarence C. Clendenen’s, Blood on the Border, The United States Army and the Mexican Irregulars, the Macmillan Company, 1969 and Harris and Sadler, The Great Call-up, The Border, and The Mexican Revolu on, U. of Okla. Press, 2015. 2. McCann, Irvin Goff, With the Na onal Guard on the Border, C. V. Mosby Company, 1917 3. Fowles, Brian Dexter, A Guard in Peace and War, The History of the Kansas Na onal Guard, 1854-1987, Na- onal Guard Associa on of Kansas, Sunflower University Press, 1989. 4. Report on Mobiliza on of the Organized Mili a and Na onal Guard of the United States, 1916, War Department, Military Bureau, Washington D.C., 1916 5. The Western Spirit, Paola, June 23, 1916, June 30, July 7, July 21, July 28, September 1, September 15, No vember 3, and November 10. 6. The Miami Republican, Paola, June 18, 1916, June 23, July 21, August 4, and November 3.

* When the Kansas Guard was mobilized, no arrangements had been made to pay salaries for service on the border. Therefore, there were families without immediate income. In order to provide funds to support these families, Governor Arthur Capper loaned the State $10,000 (approximately $143,348.00 today) out of his personal funds before the troops le for the border. Finally, in March 1917, the Kansas legislature appropriated $172,000 to cover the difference between federal and state pay for the Kansas men who served on the border. This is my Swan Song...........Jim Bousman Editors Note....due to family concerns Jim has elected to cease contribu ng to the news le er for a while. Thanks! Jim for all the great ar cles you have wri en.

Jim Bousman


Editor’s note , Come down to the museum to see the original photo, you may find a rela ve on it, I found my uncle Ralph Shipman in it. The photo hangs on the south wall of the Military Room.


Lloyd’s Le ers

To: Miami County His. Museum From: Lloyd Peckman

Subject: SEARCHING FOR THE MIAMI INDIAN SETTLEMENT BETWEEN ROCKVILLE AND WEST-POINT; Where is that? Yes, West-point, Missouri was destroyed by fire during the Civil War and Rockville, Kansas was mostly bulldozed away. They were located near the extreme southeast corner of Miami County where the Mil itary Road goes out to West-point. Halfway between these early sites was where the U.S. Government dumped the 350 plus Miami Indians on November the 5th of 1846. Others came later. A le er dated 1967 to Walter Crotche and Ethel Hunt states in part that the Miami Indians stayed the first win ter 1846-47 encamped within sight of the calico flag flying from the roof of a saloon owned by Joseph Clymer Jr. at West Point. The last Museum Quarterly I explained that our 1878 Atlas reports this encampment as 2 miles southeast of Rockville. Stanley Gunnells told us the burial site was located one fourth mile south of the Big Barn. A picture was taken of that barn located at the highest point here along the east edge of Sec on 3 and across the road from the Gunnell’s house. Another picture was taken of Bill opening the red gate just immediately NW of the burial site. I recently visited with Ola Mae Earnst, Director of the Pleasanton Museum and she gave me her son’s cell phone number. He has been the caretaker for this large Cobbs-Dunn ca le ranch for 15 or 20 years and knows it very well. He is especially interested in the loca on of the Military Road which probably ran right by his house. On October 15, 2016 I spent 5 hours with Bill Earnst who showed me around the 1000 acre Dunn Ranch as well as the next south Brian Miller Ranch. Sure enough; Bill explained to me that the only area of pasture dirt deep enough for burial is located one forth mile south below this barn. It is very near the intersec on of 391st and Coldwater boundary. Only State Line and Rockville go completely through north and south and only the Drexel road and 399th through east and west. For my explora on, Bill first took me NW more than one mile to the edge of the Dunn property. This is just SE of Rockville and very near a deep valley covered by trees on north Li le Sugar Creek. Here also on the edge of the slope we looked at a nice water spring and a nearby bare-sterile area. Nothing was growing there and I found a small piece of glass there. We feel this may have been a horse barn on the trail. Generally speaking, this large pasture west of the big barn slopes slightly to the west and the southwest. It goes out in finger-like patch with small creeks between each patch. Then it goes steeply down toward north Li le Sugar Creek. The 25 buildings were probably sca ered in 3 sec ons all near water. We have in our museum a picture of Carroll Gunnell’s with this statement on the back;

“Gunnells, Carroll 1829-1904 As a young man, he helped Joseph Clymer, Jr. build “25 good and substan al” log houses for the Indians (Miami) near Rockville, Miami Co. in the fall of 1846 page 32—“The Prelude” by Clar ence W. Long’’. Near one of these drop-off points we found a large rock where Bill said the metal detector team of Jerry Emberlin and Jack York had used a back hoe and found house hold items. These items were shown to me two weeks later by Jerry in a glass covered box dated 1997. A small picture in this box shows Jerry with a shovel and Jack with a metal detec on device in that dug hole.

Iems excavated by Jerry Emberlin and Jack York


Next Bill took me back to the red gate into Miller property. There looking south one mile are two ravines east of Li le Sugar Creek . The SE one runs all the way back to two springs across 399th street. KCP&L main power line runs just west of Coldwater boundary line and the old school house was located near there. Bill then drove us all the way back to the village site on Rockville Road near the upper reaches of La Cygne Lake. On our return to his home, we briefly met Brian Miller with his goose-neck trailer on the south road. Because a vehicle was coming from the other direc on, we had to move on. A er 180 years, nothing is for certain. Only a Ground Penetra ng Radar might give us the answer. The Miami tribe has reported using one in Oklahoma to ID their grave sites there and one was used at Hillsdale Dig. Four years ago on November the 6th 2012, Presiden al Elec on Day, I helped the Miami Tribal group tour Mi amiville and Rockville. This is addressed to that group, George Ironstrack, George Strack and Gene and Helen Hayward. Do you remember first checking the Village site, then going back on 399th, two and one half miles to State Line to find the cemetery? Then we traveled 1 mile north to 391 and west one half mile to a locked gate at the intersec on of Coldwater. We were within 500 feet of the area in ques on. Next we traveled past the Big Barn north to dead end 383rd street and headed east to State Line and home. I remember it well as I s ll had to vote. Donja Williams and Tammy Mason, those looking for the Miami Cemetery south of Louisburg; if Ground Pene tra on Radar verifies this grave site, you have your answer. Respec ully; Lloyd Peckman


Miami County Publications--Inventory Clearance Sale TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola

All the following publications will have sales tax, postage & handling added to the listed price Family Histories and Stories of Miami County, Kansas, 1987 VOL I

DVD now available Reduced Now only $20.00

Family Histories and Stories of Miami County, Kansas, 1998 VOL II

Hardback Excess Inventory Sale $20.00 plus

Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. I (rural south 2/3 of county) Beagle, Block, Cashman, Daganett, Debrick, Fontana; Frank, Greenvalley, Herman, Highland, Hodges, Indianapolis, Jingo, Lessenden, Mannen, Miami, County Poor Farm, Mound Creek/Mount Nebo, New Hope, New Lancaster, Rock ville, Settle, Spring Grove, Stanton, Whiteford and Wilson-Raymer Hardback (Reprint) $20.00 Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. II (north 1/3 of county ) Antioch, Ayers, Bucyrus, Old Marysville, Hillsdale (old & new), Louisburg (old & new), Pleasant Valley, Rock Creek, 4DPUU T 7BMMFZ 4PNFSTFU 4U .BSZ T 8BHTUBČ 8FB )PMZ 3PTBSZ -BOF 4IJWFMZ JO 'SBOLMJO $P Hardback (Reprint) $20.00 Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. III Paola City, Oswatomie City, Holy Trinty, Memorial Gardens and 1990 updates for all cemeteries Hardback $30.00 (Glenwild & Sharen in Cass Co.) Illustrated Historical Atlas of Miami County, 1878, 1901 or 1927 Photocopies of the original Atlas includes many pictures and ownership maps of the county 4Pę CBDL Index of Taxpayers of Miami County, 1878 Lists of land owners or residents $3.00 ć F 4UPSZ PG 1BPMB CZ .D-BDIMJO 4Pę CBDL 1BSU BOE )BSECBDL 1BSU XJUI *OEFY UP CPUI QBSUT 4PME BT B TFU 4Pę CBDL 1BSU index only for original book owners $5.00 Barns of Miami County, Kansas

457 old barns in full color 136 pages $20.00 WW I Letters Home by Jim Bousman $25.00

Paola in 2nd. Half of the 20th Century by Ross, $5.00 -Great Book! Good Buy!! $MJČ 8SJHIU T 8PSME 8BS ** ForOne, $18.51and Kansas Folklore $21.80 And So It Began by Bettie Garrison Ore ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM 4PDJFUZ QSJDF Lest We Forget (List of Osawatomie Alumni) $5.00

Please make checks to: Miami Co. Gen / Hist Societies 12 East Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071-0123 Phone 913-294-4940

Paola High School Alumni 1888-1988 $5.00 e-mail: info@ thinkmiamicountyhistory.com Web site www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com


Paola Visitors Center

Phone: 913 .294.4335

6W. Peoria

Website : www.paolachamber .org E-mail: info@paolachamber.org Facebook : paolachamber

Paola, KS 66071

Paving the Way to Heritage Walk A feeling of community spirit and support is growing in Paola . Paola's historic district, the downtown square BOE UIF QBSL JT UIF GPDBM QPJOU PG 1BPMB ć F )FSJUBHF 8BML JT MPDBUFE JO UIF DFOUFS PG UIF QBSL OFBS UIF HB[FCP JU provides a unique opportunity for you to memorialize a relative or a former/current resident of our community with a brick engraved with their name added to the hundreds already placed in the Walk . ć F 1BSL XBT HJWFO UP UIF $JUZ PG 1BPMB CZ #BQUJTUF 1FPSJB XIFO UIF UPXO XBT GPVOEFE )F TQFDJĕ FE UIBU UIF Park must be used as a park forever. Over the years the Gazebo, the fountain, the sidewalks, and landscaping has been added to the park. Children's play equipment and benches were added so that families could enjoy spend ing time in the park. Engraved bricks may be placed individually, or may be grouped for family members,school classes, etc . Each brick may have two lines engraved with 14 letters and spaces on each line. Holidays and birthdays are the perfect times to order a brick for that 'hard to suit' person on your list or a way to assure that relative or friend they will never be forgotten in Paola. You may request an application at: info@paolachamber.org or you may download the application at www.paola chamber .org or you may pick up an application at Miami County Historical Museum at 12 East Peoria Street (913) 294-4940 or at the Paola Chamber of Commerce at 6 W. Peoria Street (913) 294-4335. Please mail your completed application(s) along with a check for $30 for each brick requested to Miami County Historical Museum at 12 East Peoria Street Paola, KS 66071. We will notify you when your application(s) has been received, and the brick(s) will be installed as soon as possi ble . Each brick may have 2 lines with 14 letters and spaces. Brick1 Brick __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

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Address__________________________________________________________ City_________________________________ State____ Zip _________ Phone_____________ Number of bricks ordered ______ @ $30 each Check enclosed $_______________


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