2016 Fall Newsletter

Next Bill took me back to the red gate into Miller property. There looking south one mile are two ravines east of Li le Sugar Creek . The SE one runs all the way back to two springs across 399th street. KCP&L main power line runs just west of Coldwater boundary line and the old school house was located near there. Bill then drove us all the way back to the village site on Rockville Road near the upper reaches of La Cygne Lake. On our return to his home, we briefly met Brian Miller with his goose-neck trailer on the south road. Because a vehicle was coming from the other direc on, we had to move on. A er 180 years, nothing is for certain. Only a Ground Penetra ng Radar might give us the answer. The Miami tribe has reported using one in Oklahoma to ID their grave sites there and one was used at Hillsdale Dig. Four years ago on November the 6th 2012, Presiden al Elec on Day, I helped the Miami Tribal group tour Mi amiville and Rockville. This is addressed to that group, George Ironstrack, George Strack and Gene and Helen Hayward. Do you remember first checking the Village site, then going back on 399th, two and one half miles to State Line to find the cemetery? Then we traveled 1 mile north to 391 and west one half mile to a locked gate at the intersec on of Coldwater. We were within 500 feet of the area in ques on. Next we traveled past the Big Barn north to dead end 383rd street and headed east to State Line and home. I remember it well as I s ll had to vote. Donja Williams and Tammy Mason, those looking for the Miami Cemetery south of Louisburg; if Ground Pene tra on Radar verifies this grave site, you have your answer. Respec ully; Lloyd Peckman


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