2016 Fall Newsletter

Party! Party! Open House Please join us in honoring Be e Ore for over 50 years of volunteering with the Miami County Museum A recep on will be held Tuesday, December 13 from 10:00 to 12:00 noon at the museum Hope you will stop by and help us celebrate and honor her for all those hears of dedicated service.

On the behalf of the volunteers here at the museum we want to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all our friends, patrons, and sponsors.


Paving the Way to Heritage Walk BuyaBrick " VOJRVF $ISJTUNBT (Ję Page 23 to order

ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson

A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola Kansas.

Tax included price is $28.00

How to purchase is on page 22


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