Weekly Electronic Bulletin

PERSONAL PRAYER If you have a prayer need...

If you or someone you know needs support, email our prayer team: UTPrayerTeam@gmail.com. Or, you may place a written request in the Narthex Prayer Box. For 30 days, our Minister and Chaplains will pray for you. Afterwards, we will send your request to Silent Unity where it will be prayed over for another 30 days. Silent Unity is our 24/7 prayer room at Unity World Headquarters. Contact Silent Unity directly at 800 - 669 - 7729, unity.org/prayer or use the UPray app.

Unity of Tampa Staff and Board

Spiritual Leader: Rev. Nancy Mercurio - UTSpiritualLeader@gmail.com Executive Director: Jeffrey King - UTExDirector@gmail.com Music Director: Elliot Dickinson - elliotdickinson1@gmail.com Music Team: Alvon Griffin, Michael Hilson, Christian Myers Youth & Family Ministry Director: Heather Schultz - UTYouthEd@gmail.com YFM Asst. Dir.: Mark Sharman ~ Y.O.U. Sponsor: Kristin Hare Administration/Office Manager: Janet Stanley - TampaUnity@gmail.com A/V Technicians: Greg Roberts, David Wilfinger Website: www.UnityTampa.org - Visit www.UnityTampa.org/events for event info Facebook: Unity of Tampa & Community Connection of Unity of Tampa Address: 2610 Silver Lake Ave, Tampa, FL 33614 - Phone: 813 - 870 - 0731 Board of Trustees: Margaret Kubilins (President), Jennis Thomas (Vice - President), Linda Reed (Secretary), Joanne Wells (Treasurer), Sam Esser, Oscar Bernard, and Cindy Stump

Giving 1 - 2 - 3 Ways! Are you spiritually fed at Unity of Tampa? Consider giving back with a donation.

Get the Unity of Tampa Breeze CHMS App Available now for your Apple or Android smart phone. Visit UnityTampa.org for more information on downloading the Breeze App. Visit UnityTampa.org and click the “ Donate ” tab. You can make a one - time donation or set up a secure account for automatic donations.

Unity of Tampa 2610 Silver Lake Ave, Tampa, FL 33614 ~ 813 - 870 - 0731 UnityTampa.org Sunday Services: 11 am, in person or live on Facebook

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