God's Plan For Man Final

be so. Jesus’ Second Coming is at the end of the half time, following the last purification when Satan and the evil cohort are placed under Jesus’ footstool. So, humanities spiritual evolution continues in the third and final period—for a half time, which is one thousand years [1,000].

Demolition is Purification

The Scriptures are challenged regarding the truth contained within them, and perhaps the prophets were seen as demented or expressing mere figments of their imaginations—but since what they said has been confirmed, the truth should now be obvious. Our work is not yet complete. Jesus defeated Satan; He prophesied how that would happen, as well as revealed what must occur in the future using veiled language. Satan finds weakness and a lack faith in order to deceive the mind with a distortion of the truth. God prescribed how Satan’s head would be crushed; the scriptures are documentation thereof. There is no other way. God chooses, and the Spirit empowers those who have chosen correctly. There is no other way more clearly articulated than Jesus’ testimony within the scriptures. The Holy Spirit of the Father was in the Son; the Holy Spirit of the Father and Son, anointed the son of man, because Divinity has deemed that such be so. Therefore one Son is from above and the other son is from below—the earth. One descended to ascend in order to witness His origin; the other ascends to descend in order to witness his origin. To whom do these Scriptural truths speak, if not of you and me? These words are for those who are searching for the truth [As you will it to be]. Be honest and, “Love uprightness, you who are rulers on earth, be properly disposed towards the Lord and seek Him in simplicity of heart; for He will be found by those who do not put Him to the test, revealing himself to those who do not mistrust Him. Perverse thoughts, however, separate people from God, and power, when put to the test, confounds the stupid. Wisdom will never enter the soul of a wrongdoer, nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin; for the Holy Spirit of instruction flees deceitful-ness, recoils from unintelligent thoughts, is thwarted by the onset of vice. Wisdom is a spirit friendly to humanity, though she will not let a blasphemer’s words go unpunished since God observes the very soul and accurately surveys the heart, listening to every word. For the spirit of the Lord fills the world and that which holds everything together knows every word said.”


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