God's Plan For Man Final

“No one who speaks what is wrong will go undetected, or will avenging Justice pass by such a one for the schemes of the godless will be examined, and a report of his words will reach the Lord to convict him of his crimes. There is a jealous ear that overhears everything, not even a murmur of complaint escapes it. So beware of uttering frivolous complaints, restrain your tongue from finding fault; even what is said in secret has repercussions, and a lying mouth deals death to the soul. Do not court death by the errors of your ways, nor invite destruction through the work of your hands. For God did not make Death, he takes no pleasure in destroying the living. To exist—for this he created all things; the creatures of the world have health in them, in them is no fatal poison, and Hades has no power over the world: for uprightness is immortal. But the godless call for Death with deed and word, counting him friend, they wear themselves out for him; with him they make a pact, worthy, as they are to belong to him.” (Wisdom 1:1-16) The final phase of the work now begins. This is our inheritance: we are to be pure and spotless before the Lord, to inhabit this earth, to subdue Satan and that evil cohort within it, and to preserve what God has so freely given us; follow Jesus to fulfill the Father’s will because Jesus and the Father are One—His will be done!


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