2021 - December Beacon

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October 7, 2021

End of Report


Tom Lisowski

All the Fin’s are still running and floating. Fin 2 still has no leaks which is amazing. Darryl Campbell donated an idle cut off for Fin 2 which should help with the running after the boat has been turned off. Tom is in the process of fabricating a bracket for this. Tom will be working on this next week. Tom is still looking for a replacement Fin, he is looking into a fiberglass option. End of Report

Fleet Captain/Harbor Master

Scott Goemmel

No Report




*Policy committee recommendations – Tabled to November

*Generator replacement – Bill Burkhardt and P/C Bill Calihan This was presented to the Cash Reserve, and it was agreed that this is an urgent matter, that meets all criteria set forth in the By-Laws. A motion was passed to spend up to but not more than $25,000.00 for this project. Bill Burkhardt has 3 quotes for a new generator, the accepted quote is from Art Ashley and P/C Randy Pagel are going to donate all the labor to install a new generator. The insurance policy will cover $16,000.00 of the cost of replacement. Bill Burkhardt will meet with Terry and V/C Dale on Saturday to discuss what will need to happen before the new generator is installed to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. The cause of the fire is still unknown, and it will probably never be known as this is very costly.

*Approval of 2022 Budget for presentation at GMM – Kevin Rae Motion by: Bill Burkhardt Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all

*Approval of starting work under building – BOD Motion to hire DIB Construction for our water mitigation under the building up to $10,000.00, work will consist of removing all debris, leveling the ground, and installing proper drainage and sump pumps. Motion by: V/C Dale Hall Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all

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