2021 - December Beacon
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October 7, 2021
*Review of capital projects to present to GMM – V/C Dale Hall 1. There was a meeting with the finance committee and the Robison project will be pushed one more year. The cost of steel is very high, and the quote is at $86,000.00. This will be communicated at the GMM on Saturday. Our permit is good through 2023. 2. $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 for replacement of walkway from the Boatique to D-Dock (approximately 280 feet). This does fall into our Capital budget. 3. Replacement of railing around A-Dock (Battleship Row), looking to spend under $10,000.00. 4. $28,000.00 to $46,000.00 for electric shock mitigation. Thank you, Terry, for spending the time working on quotes. * Expulsion letters – Gary Jialanella Expulsion letters went out to 2 separate members. Confirmation was received by Secretary Gary Jialanella that the letters were received. This will be posted on the bulletin board. *Dock Incident – Gary Jialanella Follow up with member that fell through the dock. Discussion of a safety inspection being done every spring. We need to have an incident report put in the OD manual and it will need to be filled out by the OD if there is an accident/incident. R/C Brian Fringer will supply an OSHA form that we can use.
High 5’s
Member of the Month
Christa Betts Motion by: Bill Burkhardt Second by : Debbie Siwek Motion : Carried by all
Good of the Order
Member of the month pins need to be given out. Raise initiation fees.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 pm Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by: Bill Burkhardt Motion: Carried by all.
Next Meeting
Date and Time: November 11, 2021, 7:00pm location to be determined
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