NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

8 February 2018

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continue to handle the floral arrangement and will use Sam’s Flowers. Discussed a budget increase for flowers. Motion to approve the FM’s proposals made by Scott Greenfelder, seconded by Bill Calihan. Motion Carried

Commodore’s Comments

Commodore, Randy Pagel

It is hard to believe we are attending our second board meeting of the year. I want to thank all of you for attending the Commodore’s Ball. Linda and I truly enjoyed the evening and couldn’t believe it went so fast. Special thanks to all of you who help set up and take down on Saturday. We have a lot to cover tonight, so my comments are short. Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Ian Blackburn Want to congratulate Commodore Randy and his First Lady on an excellent Ball. Commended P/C Carroll for the choices for all the awards. Reminder to the membership that if you haven’t already, be sure to get your work request over to Secretary Glen Nixon to get scheduled. Rear Commodore, Bill Calihan I would like to start out saying what a great Commodore’s Ball. Congratulations to Commodore Randy, Lady Linda and all of those on your committee for a job well done. A good time was held by all. Rear-Commodore’s Comments

One of the highlights of the evening was the presentation of the “Hatzenbuhler Trophy” member of the year award, awarded to P/C Brain McEvoy and Lady Renee. Also, the “Spirit of the Year award”, awarded to P/C Tom McHugh and Lady Judy. Well-deserved and congratulations.

Even though the snow started to fall again and the weather service has predicted a winter storm to begin this weekend, there is a lot of boating themed activities coming up between now and island opening.

Blessing of the fleet at the Mariners Church in downtown Detroit, ABYA Spring Rendezvous Midland, NCYC bowling league and the Detroit Boat Show starting February 17, just to name a few. See P/C Pat Carroll for more information on these and other boating themed activities. Financial Report Treasurer, Brian Fringer Delivered by Commodore Pagel in Brian’s absence. Did reach out to our accounting firm to start the tax review. Sent Fifth Third Bank all the information for us to switch over the accounts for the director changes. Ken, Tom, P/C Pat and the Commodore need to stop by. Discussed having enough checks. Copies were distributed to all directors of the financial report. MOTION: Moved by Darryl Campbell and seconded by Scott Greenfelder to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried

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