NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

8 February 2018

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Jill Romatz

2018 By-Law Committee Glenn Nixon Chairman

V/C Ian Blackburn Frank Corcoran P/C Rick Romatz Al Durand P/C Harley Burris Kim Miedema P/C Tom McHugh – Parliamentarian

2018 Cash Reserve Committee

P/C Pat Carroll (Chairman) Commodore Randy Pagel Brian Malik 1 st Year Mike Wonderly 2 nd Year Ken Lipowski 3 rd Year Board voted and approved all committees.

Weekend OD Status Discussed already. Member of the month: None. Good of the Order

Debbie Siwek will bring waiting list next month so interviews can get assigned. Have 12 members on list. Tom Altobelli asked if we should consider reserving wells for OD’s so they can be closer to the clubhouse? Scott mentioned we’ve never had an issue with this in the past. Randy suggested we send to bylaw and procedure committee. Glen asked about flying burgee. Belongs in policy, not bylaw.

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