NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 8

3. Loan payoff with member notes

Commodore Brian discussed the selling of notes to the membership to pay off the existing loan and avoid the cost of flood insurance. The flood insurance costs have increased from $4,300 to $6,700 for next year. The loan payoff as of November 6, was $77,500. The notes would be sold in either $5,000 or $10,000 increments, to be determined by the Board. Motion: Moved by Bill Calihan to move forward with this initiative. Seconded by Art Brooks. Motion Carried. First Mates: President Mary Marini reminded everyone that the First Mates Holiday Party will be held on December 8th at the Avanti Hall. Cost is $35 per person and includes dinner and an open bar. Bring your friends and relatives. Donations for the raffle are needed. As a fundraiser, we will be accepting donations to the Ronald McDonald House.

Recognition of Past Commodores: 1979 PC Paul Jarvis

2007 PC Harley Burris 2013 PC Don Vanover 2014 PC John Anderson

1995 PC Scott Bell 1999 PC Hugh Vestal

Good of the order: PC Harley Burris stated that he still needs managers for 2016. Please contact PC Harley if interested. PC Don Vanover thanked Commodore Brian and the entire Board for an excellent year. Everyone had a great time. Member of the Month Archie and Patti Archibald Adjournment: MOTION: Moved by RC Pat Carroll to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by VC Chuck Stroh. Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm

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