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NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes

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Moved by Scott Greenfelder to approve the Forward Planning Agenda.

Seconded by Ed Romatz.

Motion Carried.

2. NCYC 2015 Financial Report

Frank used a power point presentation to review the 2015 YTD Budget numbers. This

presentation was sent out to the entire membership before the meeting. The

revenues and the expenses were reviewed.


Moved by Scott Greenfelder to

approve the financial report. Seconded by PC Scott Bell.

Motion Carried.

3. NCYC 2016 Operating Budget

Frank presented the 2016 Operating Budget to the membership. The report

included the revenues and expenses for each account. This presentation was also

included in the power point presentation that was sent out to the membership.


Moved by PC Harley Burris to approve the 2016 operating budget.

Seconded by Bill Calihan.

Motion Carried.

Chuck Stroh presented his 2016 Capital projects. His projects are as follows:

WI-FI completion

$ 500

(3) WI-FI cameras of club harbors


Lawn Mower


Bar floor & equipment upgrades


(2) TV's in overnight rooms with antennas


Signs on all wells & harbors map board


Amp for outside speakers


POS Upgrades


Pizza Oven


(2) Overhead projection screens


WI-FI Weather Station




Less: Anticipated Donations


Net Membership Cost
