NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes
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Thanks for all the help everyone has given me the last three years. Bill Calihan will be
taking over Harbor & Grounds next year and will need a lot of help also. Happy
Thanksgiving to all.
Membership- Brian Malik
Thanks for getting your money in on time this year. I will be turning over my duties to
Kim Miedema next year. I will be moving back to Michigan, and will again be running for
the Board. I hope to have your support.
Publications- Brent Malik
I would like to say thank you to all our members who advertised and supported the
Beacon this season!
If you would like to run an ad next season, the ad's will renew on March 01, 2016 and
run thru February 2017. Please tell your family and friends of this inexpensive
opportunity to advertise their products and services.
During this holiday season, if you shop
Amazon.com, please use the 'link' on
the Club web home page so NCYC gets the commission.
I look forward to working alongside our new directors: Brian Finger, Scott Greenfelder,
Tom Martin and Bill Calihan. Also, Fleet Captains, Glenn and Sheila Nixon and Rear
Commodore Randy Pagel.
It was an honor serving under Commodore Brian McEvoy and Renee, plus those
Directors leaving the Board at the end of the year.
Thank you and God bless NCYC.
Secretary – Randy Pagel
Thank you to all who have helped me fill the weekend OD positions. Tom Martin will be
taking over this position in 2016. Please see PC Harley Burris if you are interested in
managing the Club for a week.
Supplies –Ian Blackburn
It was a pleasure working with the Board this year. I am looking forward to working
with the new Board members next year. I just wanted to thank the membership for
using the bar this year!
Transportation – Darryl Campbell