NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes
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Fins II and III have been hauled, winterized and blocked in the NCYC parking lot.
Fin I will be left in as long as possible to facilitate the Elite Brigade in doing repairs at the
The stern thruster for Fin III has been ordered and is scheduled for production in about
two weeks.
Fleet Captain - PC Rick Romatz
Absent, no report
New Business
I. Forward Planning Report
RC Pat Carroll presented the Forward Planning Committee's plan for immediate
needs, 5 year plan, and 10 year plan.
Immediate Needs:
1 Repair floor under bar area.
2 Hook up water at all pedestals. (2 at each pedestal)
5 Year Plan:
1 Investigate exact detail and cost of pool.
2 Update all power pedestals. (30 amp 120V and 50 amp 240V)
3 West harbor upgrade. ( to accommodate larger boats)
4 Clean and paint clubhouse. Set standards. (color of paint etc)
5 Replace seawall and decking as needed.
6 New NCYC sign on North Channel
7 Add door and walkway to south side of clubhouse to provide egress to walk in
8 Add air conditioning and heat to second floor rooms, kitchen and wash room.
9 Add backdrop curtains to Fin III
10 Year Plan:
1 Repair seawall and deck as needed.
2 Replace Finrunner I.
3 Prepare for East Harbor lease negotiations.
4 Repair clubhouse roofing as needed. Inspect yearly.