NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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Topic # 1
: OD work week schedule
The OD work week hours and support discussed at length. Revised schedule to be published,
Topic # 2:
By-Law committee
The By-Law committee will meet on Monday April 18
There are at least two bylaw changes that will need a vote. The goal of the committee will be to finalize
the wording by our opening May meeting. The membership will have the summer to ask questions and
get clarifications. The vote will be in the fall during the regular ballot process.
Topic #3:
OD manual updates and issue timing
Topic #4:
rules and guidelines committee
Rick Romatz to schedule meeting
Topic #1
: 2015 financial review report / industry comparative data; Frank Corcoran
Report from Frank Corcoran to be posted on the website
Good of the Order:
No Comments
Member of the Month:
Scott Greenfelder nominates Ed Romatz and Ron Kemp for member of the month.
Motion: Frank Corcoran
Seconded: Brian Fringer
Motion Carried: Yes
Motion: Frank Corcoran
Seconded: Brian Fringer
Motion Carried: Yes
Meeting adjourned at meeting adjourned at 9:32pm
Next Meeting
Date and Time: May 12
2016 at 7:00 pm. Location:
Double D’s Bar and Grill.
Respectively Submitted,
John M. Sweier
Board Recorder