NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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– Tom Martin
Meeting Agenda Published
Ian Blackburn
No Report
– Darryl Campbell
Number 3 Fin (Stanley) has been commissioned. The basic thruster mechanics were installed prior to
launch with the remaining components along with dual batteries and a battery switch being installed
after launch.
The thruster is functioning quite well and, so far, we are receiving favorable feedback. One thing that
was realized is that in a North or Northwest wind blowing at +25 knots the thruster’s 70lbs. of thrust still
cannot outdo Mother Nature at the mainland dock.
Number one Fin (work boat) prop shaft packing has been replaced along with a moisture laden fuel
filter/water separator not to mention a transmission oil change. Number one will be launched to
commence its work duties after a bottom/cockpit paint and decking replacement in the area of the
handicap carrier
Number two Fin (Mackie) will be commissioned after a bottom paint. Motor box deteriorating wood will
be replaced with Starboard as an ongoing project after launch.
Fleet Captain
- Glenn Nixon
O We have contacted Harbor View Yacht Club Fleet Captain Leo Heintschel and the Bay View Yacht Club
Fleet Captain Brian Jacobs concerning the joint rendezvous at Maumee Bay State Park July 15-17. We
communicated the rough plan for allocating the 25 wells that are currently reserved by NCYC.
We have 25 wells reserved at Maumee Bay July 15-17.
NCYC will get commitment for NCYC participants by the end of April. I expect we will get 10 to 12
members coming by boat.
Any spare wells can be reserved by HVYC and BVYC. I will leave it between Leo and Brian to figure
out how to divide them between their respective clubs.
We will send a fan-out to NCYC members in the next few days.
O Entertainment is being booked for the MacRay Harbor and St. Clair rendezvous.
Joe Town is booked and confirmed for St. Clair August 27
DJ has been contacted to book and confirm for MacRay Harbor June 25.