Hello Ladies,
Thank you to all who attended, participated and contributed to the success of the
annual “Welcome Reception”.
Another thank you to Yvonne Murray who has generously donated the printing of
our First Mates roster again this year. If you haven’t received your roster, please
see Membership Director, Cathy Jarvis. If you haven’t already joined this great
group of ladies, please see Cathy as First Mates Membership is always available.
Dues are only $20.
Thank you to all the First Mates and Membership who helped make the success of
the Kids Room, Teen Room and Reading Area project a huge success! Another
vision of a great improvement to enhance our weekend enjoyment.
Ladies week is June 12
. Plan to spend some time what week with Sandi; she has
a lot of fun activities planned.
Please encourage everyone to continue to shop in the Boatique. Jill continues to
amaze us with her great NCYC items.
Cheryl Moore-Swatosh
Publicity Director