July Beacon

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2024 Page 5 of 10


Philip Maniaci


Philip presented a brief report on upcoming events.

Bill Frederiksen


I am pleased to report that the Clubhouse survived the fitting out weekend with minimal additional fitting out. There is one notable exception that I’ll discuss in detail, below. Meanwhile, I got some great feedback through May regarding updates to the Spring Work party “to do” list; adding items, changing the order of some of the work to do, moving some items to Elite Brigades, and changes to the work done the week leading up to fitting out. I appreciate everyone’s input and I’ll be making adjustments for next year’s opening activities. I’d like to thank the First Mates for their efforts upstairs. I received quite a few compliments on their work, and I was sure to take all the credit for it. Finally, during the work weekends we identified an issue with the drainage lines behind the clubhouse. Following the fitting out weekend, we did some troubleshooting and then brought in a plumber with a camera and location equipment to identify the root cause of the issue. We have a collapsed underground line that supports the drainage for the back-of-clubhouse downspouts and kid’s room sump pump. We currently have a workaround in place to accommodate the drainage away from the clubhouse and we’re working to assess how best to execute a permanent solution to the drainage issue. Fortunately, mother nature has spared us from any more surprises. We removed that large, compromised branch on the maple tree near Robison. Thank you Jack Lucido & Ed Mizgalski for assisting with removal on short notice. We are moving into a few painting projects to help freshen up the appearance of several areas and are in planning stages to the parking lot on the mainland. New signage is also being made to standardize the color and format of others that were recently made. I appreciate those that have taken time to share thoughts on other opportunities for improvement that need attention or consideration. The most impressive thing about this is that many have not only shared their opportunity but have actually engaged in implementing their ideas. Nothing better than helping when possible. Says a lot about our members. Please look out for the survey as there are a few questions there related to H&G that will help ensure whatever efforts are taken, is with the input of the members wishes in mind. Harbor & Grounds John O’Leary Good day fellow NCYC members,

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