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• Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar Lower salt Promotes gut health FREE FROM FREE FROM FREE FROM • Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar Chemical h rbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar

• Chemical herbicides and pesticides • Artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings • Genetic modification • Soy, dairy and eggs, animal products • Added sugar We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves the food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are removed. BILLSORGANICS.COM.AU Available inColesSupermarkets, Woolworths&HarrisFarm inNSW&ACT Lower salt Promotes gut health

We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves the food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are removed. We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves the food quality and the long f rmentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are remov d. We us only the best grains mo tly grown in Australia on Certified Organic d sustainable farms. At our Certifi d Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing a y precious vitamins. From he mill the flour is sent to our Ce tified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or m ther, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves th food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are removed. Guest pass FREE No obligation 8WEEKS $ 149 * FITNESS Get strong & stay strong We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves the food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are removed. We use only the best grains mostly grown in Australia on Certified Organic and sustainable farms. At our Certified Organic mill the grain is stoneground to avoid losing any precious vitamins. From the mill the flour is sent to our Certified Organic bakery to create our very own range of sourdough health bread. Sourdough bread is created by using a starter or mother, which ferments by lactic acid bacteria. This improves t e food quality and the long fermentation (18 hours) ensures that the sourdough is fully developed and the nutritional value is enhanced. Fermenting and soaking ensures toxic or antinutritional factors are removed.

Lower salt Promotes gut health

Lower salt Promotes gut heal Lower salt Promotes gut health

BILLSORGANICS.COM.AU Available in Coles Supermarkets, Woolworths & Harris Farm in NSW & ACT

BILLSORGANICS. OM.AU Available in Coles Sup rmark ts, Woolworths & Harris Farm in NSW & ACT BILLSORGANICS.COM.AU Available in Coles Supermarkets, Woolworths & Harris Farm in NSW & ACT

BILLSORGANICS.COM.AU Available in Coles Supermarkets, Woolworths & Harris Farm in NSW & ACT

Why Are Fruits and Vegetables So Many Different Colours? E ach colour in fruits and vegetables is caused by specific phytonutrients, which are natural chemicals that help protect plants from germs, bugs, the sun’s harmful rays, and other threats and each colour indicates an abundance of specific nutrients. If you’ve ever felt confused about how much fruit and veg you need to eat, you’re not alone. The latest data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed that while nearly one third of Australians eat the recommended number of serves of fruit each day, less than one person out of 25 eat the recommended number of serves of vegetables. But what is the recommended number of fruit and veggies to eat? It seems many people aren’t sure, and think they should eat five serves of fruit and vegetables each day. But the actual recommendation is to eat five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit every day. So nutritionists have come up with a simple idea to help you make sure people eat enough fruit and vegetables each day: ‘eat a rainbow’. Originally developed as a way to get fussy kids eating more fruit and vegetables but now being used by people of all ages, the ‘eat a rainbow’ idea groups fruit and vegetables into one of six broad colour groups – all you have to do is make sure you eat at least one or two serves from each colour group each day to meet your daily fruit and veg needs. We all know fruits and vegetables are full of fibre and all sorts of essential vitamins and minerals. Each colour has its own unique health benefits. So ‘eating a rainbow’ each day means more than just getting enough fruit and veg – it’s about eating a wide variety of foods so your body gets all the essential nutrients it needs.


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^Termsand conditionsapply.


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*Offervalid from 1/11/16until 31/12/16atparticipating clubs.Available tonew 18+memberswho signup toan8weekfitnesspackage for$149.Packagepayableup front in fullat the timeof signing. Fitnessaccessonlyavailableat the clubwhere thepackage ispurchased.OfferexcludesCurvesSmart®andCurvesComplete®. Equipmentmayvary between clubs.Visithttp://curves.com.auorask in club for full TermsandConditions.©2016Curves. All rights reserved.

^Valid for7 consecutivedays,at the same club.Mustbeusedby31.12.17First timeusersonly.Age 18+.No cashvalue.7dayFREE trialexcludesCurvesComplete,CurvesSmartandCurvesTravelPass.ClubTerms andConditionsapply.©2016CurvesAll rights reserved.

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