Home & Lifestyle Winter 2019 web



By Geoff Garlinge

Q: Inyouropinion,what’stheabsolutebest and most friendly 100% natural protein powder?Withsomanyonofferallsaying theyaresuperior,Ijustcan’tgetmyheadaroundit. I doknowthatwithworkingphysicallyhardallweek, plusmyexerciseprogramthat includesswimming, someweight trainingandPilates, I reallydoneed to be putting more protein in. I must tell you I have a very sensitive gut, so it definitely needs to be easy on the digestion. My preference is organic and as oursonispresentlyvegan,ifpossibleitwillbegreat if itfitsthebill inrelationtothatsidetoo. Anytipsfor creatingapowerful blendwith itwill begreat. A: So many “Natural” options (some real, some fake) means it certainly can be bewildering to the average consumer to say the least. While it’s true that certain natural substancesdoworkbetterforsomeindividualsand not for others, without anydoubt SproutedOrganic BrownRiceProteinismypickofthecrop. Delivering substantiallymorebio-availableprotein thanHemp (another great natural source), thispowerful gear is actuallyanantioxidant,stripskilosofunwantedfat, is extremely gut-friendly and even improves liver & heart function. Of course it’s totally vegan too. If all this wasn’t enough, studies have shown that it also reduces the glycemic response, stabilising glucose levels while you safely build more lean muscle.AddCoconutProbioticConcentrate(bonus electrolytes offer a huge bonus to boost brain function & cellular integrity) to Almond milk (Nutty Bruce) and blend with prebiotic greenish banana, Organic Maqui Berry Activate (Not to be confused with weak Acai′) + Organic Maca (beware as most is substandard/counterfeit material as is Turmeric Powder). Non-vegan family members can also enjoy some minimum 20+ WA Medicinal Honey (more economical than Manuka with the great benefits) & a good dose of must-have Bee Pollen... and you’ll all be flying in no time. Get into a daily rhythmandstick to it toseedynamic results. Q: HELP! Every year as winter starts to set in, it’s the same old same old in my house. And I’m finally nowwell and truly over it. It usually begins when I’m too busy to even notice the early signs that should alert me to take better care. Next follows the odd cold that creeps upasitslowlybutsurelyworsens,oftenwithasore throat. I’membarrassed to admit I fall for the same vicious cycle every year. I sometimes also end up

withachest infection that drainsallmyenergyand I worry I’ll have scarred lungs fromall the coughing. Last year I even got the full blown flu and when feeling like I was at death’s door, I swore I wouldn’t let it happen again in 2018. My kids (five, eight, twelve and fourteen) usually go down first. Pretty soon all the grownups including my Mum and Dad, follow suit. It’s not long until the whole clan is sniffling, sneezing and coughing as we take turns tomoan in voices that sound like we all swallowed razor blades for breakfast. The kids are far more resilient and do bounce back, but still always end up missing heaps of school due to illness. Of course the older ones are typically happy about that, though at the same time they often complain the loudest. Taking time off work for me means no pay, so it’sverystressful time financially too. So for the first time ever, I’ve been seriously thinking that I’vereallymadeahugemistakebysimplyfocussing oneverythingelseexceptstayingwell.Inowrealise that trying to save money and not working on our healthhas totallybackfired inmoreways thanone. The lost productivity is outrageous, not tomention plenty of time wasted sitting in doctors’ waiting rooms with other sick people, breathing in who knows what other bugs?! Then there’s the hard earned cash spent on drugs (legal of course) that we hate to take, and for the most part probably don’t really hasten our recovery anyway. I at least understandantibioticsstrip thegoodaswell as the bad bacteria and that’s why Probiotics are very in these days. I heard they’re somehow good for the brain too. Sorry and please forgiveme rambling on, but I’m very determined and ready to look at what needs to be done now for us to stay strong, keep working and hopefully prevent any serious health problems before they happen. My parents have worked hard all their lives too and really should be enjoying life now, not being sick and laid up a few times a year. My plan is to lead by example to encouragethemhealthwiseinsteadofgoingdown themedication track to the nursing home likemost seniorsdo. Any advice will be hugely appreciated and will be put into practice at the very least by me. I’m excited tostartmakingchangessoon. A: No need to apologise and thanks for elaborately sharing your family’s health problems. Gaining the knowledge to escape the cycle of seasonal sickness will

also help many others. Typical sudden changes in the weather always provoke an array of negative health issues in many households such as yours. The negative repercussions of winter’s falling temperatures and chilly winds are equalled only by the onset of spring, whenHayfever &Sinus sufferers’ symptoms & attacks spiral. The good news however isneither scenarioneeds toeventuate if preventative measures are simply put into place before the weathershifts.Thoughthankfully inyourcasethere’s been no sign of cancer or any degenerative disease, applying wisdom to “build the bombshelter before the bomb drops” is the best way to short circuit pain & suffering way above typical winter ills. Prevention is always better than cure, though it’s still highly beneficial to implement positive changes even after winter hits. An injection of natural logic will stop draining illnesses from continually ruining your days, give you all increased physical & mental energy, a brighter outlook, enhanced immunity, plusa far greater overall level of health & wellbeing than most people think is even actually possible. Following is the basic guide to enjoyingahealthyvibrantwinter &beyond: • Commit toeat REALFOODONLY withastrong emphasisonOrganicF&V • Start eachdaywith 1/2 lemon in filteredwater followedby 1tspn AOBPGranules +1tspn FRJin RawHoney@4:1 (repeat beforebed) • Stayhydratedviamin.1.5L filteredwater adding CocoProbioticConcentrate for Electrolytes+ • Inhaleplentyof freshair. Breathedeeply for 10 minuteseverymorningprior toexercise • Eat onlyasmuchasyouneed • Getminimum7hours rest. Improvesleep quality, recovery, energy& immunityby taking...165ml 100%PureSourCherryJuice , 15ml OliveleafActivatePlus , 1tspn *NRVitamin C , 2 NGPropolis1000mg caps+1 SLOAlkoxy cap (all twicedailybeforemeals) • Giveall the familyacourseof ICLArtemisiaPlus formultipleHerbal therapeuticbenefits • Keep *HOGCold&FluStrike tabsonhand. Start immediately incaseanysymptomsoccur

© 2019 GEOFF GARLINGE Dip. HC MR A (Medical Reg. Aust) - Geoff Garlinge is a Certified Health Counsellor, Nutritional and Nutraceutical Cancer Support Specialist & consultant to Australian University research facilities and the Natural Health Industry. With 30 years experience in the field, Geoff has lectured with as well as to Doctors, Pharmacists & CM Practitioners concerning Natural Health strategies with a reach into Asia & The Middle East. He is an established author of many articles in various publications and founder of AUSTRALIA’S OWN which he has headed up for 25 years.

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