Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
coutwn- v. coutwn - To be straight. coutwn= v. coutwn - To be straight. coutwn (Q) v. coutwn - To be straight. couwn- v. cwoun - To know. couwn= v. cwoun - To know. covia v. covoc - Wisdom. covoc , -ia : (Gk); adj. Wise; mf. wise man or woman; covia : f. Wisdom; ercovoc : vb. To be wise. covroc , -on : (Gk?); adj. Pure, clean. cof= v. cwf - To defile. cof (Q) v. cwf - To be defiled. cohi : (380b); vi. To reprove, correct; --- nem- : vb. To dispute with; --- ehr/i ejen- : vb. To reprove for; --- : m. Reproof, correction; cojen : (388b) m. Ointment. cojp= v. cwjp - To remain over. cojp (Q) v. cwjp - To be left over. co[ v. coj - Fool. co[ni : (615b); vi. To take counsel, con- sider; --- : vb. To take counsel concerning; --- eybe- : vb. To take counsel con- cerning; --- ejen- : vb. To take counsel upon, about; --- nem- : vb. To take counsel with; --- nca- : vb. To take counsel after, against; --- qa- : vb. To take counsel against, about; --- : m. Counsel, design; refcohi : m. Reprover; jincohi : m. Reproval; [icohi : vb. To receive reproof. coj , co[ : (388a); m. Fool; --- : adj. Foolish; metcoj : f. Foolishness, folly; ercoj : vi. To be made fool, be fool.
atco[ni : adj. Without counsel; metatco[ni : f. State of being without counsel; ill-considered; refco[ni : m. Counsellor, advisor; iri , er co[ni : vb. To take counsel, make decision; [ico[ni : vb. To take counsel, reflect, advise; ]co[ni : vb. To give counsel; ref]co[ni : m. Counsellor. cpatal/ : (Gk); f. Wantonness, luxury. cpeira v. cpira - Regiment. cpekolatwr v. cpekoulatwr - Speculator. cpekoulatwr , -kolatwr : (Lat.); (of the Roman Imperial Army); Speculator, scout, executioner, member of the Imperial body guard. cperma : (Gk); m. Seed, race, descent, offspring. cpermologoc : (Gk); m. Pickinh up scraps, gossiping; an idle babbler. cp/laion , -leon : (Gk); Grotto, cavern, cave. cp/leon v. cp/laion - Cave. cp/rma = cperma - Seed. cpira , cpeira : (Gk); f. Tactical unit (of the Army); regiment i.e. a group of soldiers. cplag,non : (Gk); pl. Inward parts of the body, wombs, guts. cpla,non = cplag,non - Wombs. cponduloc , cvonduloc : (Gk); m. A type of wood. cpora , cvora : (Gk); f. sowing; seed, offspring; fruit. cpoud/ , -/c : (Gk); f. Haste, spped, zeal, effort, earnestness; ncpoudeoc : adv. In haste, hastily, ear- nestly, attentively. cpoud/c v. cpoud/ - Haste. crah : (358a); n. Example, object of shame; ercrah , oi ncrah : vb. To display as example, to put to shame;
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