Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
crah (Q) v. cwrh - To be swept. cremrwm= , cremrwm (Q): (356a); vi.
hictauroc : m. The making of the sign of the cross; ctaurovoroc : m. Bearing a cross. ctaurovoroc v. ctauroc - Bearing a cross. cterewma : (Gk); m. Firmament, i.e. sky or heaven. ctevanoc : (Gk); m. Crown, chaplet, corona; monetary gift, donation. ctigm/ : (Gk); f. Moment, of very small time duration. cti,arion , c],arion : (Gk); m. Thin tunic, shirt, an ecclesiastical vestiment cti,e v. ctoi,e - Unknown. ctoi,e cti,e : (Gk); Unknown. cti,ion v. ctoi,eion - Element ctoi,eion , cti,eion : (Gk); m. Element, component part, principle ctu,emi v. ,mom - Black cumin. ctwt : (366b); m. Trembling. cunant/ma : (Gk); m. Chance happening, encounter with. cv/i] : (384b); m. Foam of waves or mouth. cvir , pl. cvirwoui & sg as pl.: (351b); m. Rip; side. cvirwoui v. cvir - Rips. cvotou : (353a); m. Lips, edge, shore. cvrans : (374a); n. Soothsayer. c,ai , c,/t= : (328b); vi. To plough; --- n- : vb. To plough with, by means of; refc,ai : m. Ploughman, one who ploughs. c,/t= v. c,ai - To plough. c,im : (328b); m. Discolored or gray hair. cw , ce- , co= , p.c. cau : (318a); vb. To drink; metcau- : f. Drinking; --- : m. Drinking, potation; ma ncw : m. Drinking place, bout; refcw : m. Drinker;
To be obscured, dazed, stupefied; --- qen : vi. To wander, sway.
cremrwm= v. cromrem - To enforce. cremrwm (Q) v. cremrwm= - To be dazed. crit : (356b); vi. To glean. cromrem , cremrwm= : (356a); vt. To enforce, admonish. croft (Q), crwft (Q): (357a); vi. To be at leisure, unoccupied; --- e- : vb. To have leisure for, be occupied with; crwm v. cwrem - Unconsciousness. crwft v. croft - Perseverance. ctabla : (Gk); (Lat); m. Stable, posting station. ctajoul : (367a); m. Spider. ctadion , -oc : (Gk); m. Stadia, stade (a length measurement = 60'-6-3/4"). ctadioc v. ctadion - Stade. ctay/te v. ctatik/ - To stand up. ctayik/ v. ctatik/ - Static. ctakt/ : (Gk); f. Oil of myrrh. ctaktoc : (Gk); f. Oil that runs without pressing. ctamnoc : (Gk); m. Earthen jar, bottle `for wine'; a measure. ctacia : (Gk?); f. Calendar, almanac. ctaciact/c : (Gk); m. One who stirs up sedition, rebel, fanatic. ctatik/ , -yik/ : (Gk); f. Causing to stand, crwft : m. Leisure, perseverance; metatcroft : f. Lack of leisure; refcroft : m. Idler; jincroft : m. Leisure.
static; appointment, enthronement; ctay/te : vb. imperat. stand up!
ctauroc : (Gk); m. Cross; erctaurwnin , -ronin : vb. To crucify;
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