Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
paranomoc : m. One against the law; criminal; erparanomoc , -min : vb. To break the law; anomoc , atnomoc : adj. Without law, lawless; nomimon : adj. Comfortable to law or custom, customary, legitimate. nom] : (226a); f. Strength, power; encou- ragement, comfort; atnom] : adj. Without strength; ]nom] : vb. To fortify, comfort; ref]nom] : n. Comforter; metref]nom] : f. Comfort, en- couragement; --- : m. Consolation; jemnom] : vb. To find strength, com- fort. noni : (227b); vi. To fall down. not= v. nout - To grind. notarioc : (L); m. Scribe, notary, registrar. notem (Q): (231b); vi. To be sweet, pleasant; noutem : adj. Sweet; jwit nnoutem : Sweet olive. nou= v. vw= - Belonging to noub : (221b); m. Gold; money, coin; hamnoub : m. Goldsmith. noubt , noutb , noutp : (222b); vt. To weave; neb] : f. Plait, tress. noui , (Q) n/ou : (219a); vi. To go, be going to, about to go; qual. be (in act of) coming, about to come; --- e- : vb. (2nd tense) To increase in doing; qual. be coming, be on the road to; --- ejen- : vb. To come upon, to; --- ehr/i ejen- : vb. To come upon, to; --- nem- : vb. To come with, bring; --- nca- : vb. to come after, for;
--- menenca- : vb. To come after, follow; --- sa- : vb. To come to, reach; --- ha- : vb. To come to, reach; --- hijen- : vb. To come upon, over; --- ebol : vb. to come forth; --- ebol e- : vb. To come forth to, against, sue; --- ebol n-(mmo=) : vb. To come forth from; --- ebol ca- : vb. To come forth from beside, from; --- ebol qajen- : vb. To come forth from; --- ebol qen- : vb. To come forth from; --- ebol hiten- : vb. To come forth through, from; --- epec/t : vb. To come down; --- epswi : vb. To come up; --- eqoun : vb. To come in, enter; --- ehr/i : vb. To come up; --- eqr/i : vb. to come down; nouker : (224a); vt. To prick, incise of unripe sycamore-figs; --- : n. Incision of this fruit. noun : (226b); m. Abyss of hell, depth of earth or sea. nouni : (227b); f. Root; retnouni : vb. To put forth root; [e nouni : vb. To take root; [ep- , sepnouni : vb. To take root; --- : m. Radish. nouri : (228b); fm. vuture; griffon. nouc : (Gk); m. Mind, sense, wit; reason, intellect; thought; no/ron : adj. Sensible, reasonable. nout , not= : (229a); vt. To grind, pound corn &c; --- : m. Grinding, mill; ma nnout : m. Milling place, mill; refnout : m. Grinder;
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