Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
parimia v. paroimia - Proverb. paroikia , parikia : (Gk); f. Sojouring in a foreign land. paroimia , parimia , parhoimia : (Gk); f. Proverb; figure, comparison; digres- sion. paro'ic : (Gk); f. Fresh tasted (of misery); disk on which such meals are served. parr/cia : (Gk); f. Outspokenness, frank- ness, freedom of speech, erparr/ciazecye : vb. To be frank; declare qen ouparr/cia : adv. Frankly; out- sponkenly. parver v. vorper - parhoimia v. paroimia - Proverb. pater v. pat/r - Father. paterec v. pat/r - Father. pateroc v. pat/r - Father. pat/r , patroc , patri , pateroc , pater : (Gk); m. Father; paterec : pl. Fathers. partalic v. pardalic - Leopard. patri v. pat/r - Father. patriar,/c : (Gk); m. Father or chief of a race, patriarch; title of the bishops of Alexandria. patriar,ikoc : adj. Belonging to the patriarch, patriarchal. patriar,ikoc v. patriar,/c - Patriar- chal. patric : (Gk); Fatherland, country. home- town, native land. patci v. vatci - patroc v. pat/r - Father. patselet v. selet - Bridegroom. pa,n/ : (Gk); f. Hoar-frost, rime (frozen rain), ice. pawni : (236b); Paoni, Baunah, name of the 10th month of the Coptic year. pawpi , paopi , paop/ : (266b); Babeh, name of the 2nd month of the Coptic year.
pasonc : (279a); Bashons, name of the 9th month of the Coptic year. pe= v. va- (1) - Belonging to. pedec v. ped/ - Shackles. ped/ , ped/c , pedec : (Gk); m. Fetter, shackles; anklet, bangle. peiracmoc , piracmoc : (Gk); m. Test, trial, temptation; erpirazin : vb. To tempt, test, seduce. pelagoc : (Gk); m. High sea, flooded plain. pelepepen , pepwn : (Gk); m. A kind of melon; watermelon. pelma : (Gk); n. The sole of the foot. pent/koct/ v. pent/koctoc - Penta- cost. pent/koctoc , pent/koct/ : (Gk); f. Fiftieth, the feast of the Pentacost. pepwn v. pelepepen - Watermelon. peremou v. permou - Lunatic. periodoc : (Gk); f. Cycle of period of time, periodic; orbit of a heavenly body. perickelic : (Gk); f. Leg band i.e. anklet, bangle. permou , peremou : (269a); n. Lunatic; oi mpermou : vb. To be lunatic. perc/c : (Gk); m. Persia, Iran. petaleion , petalon , petalion : (Gk); m. Leaf; crown of leaves. petalion v. petaleion - Leaf. petalon v. petaleion - Leaf. petepet v. petep/p - Hoopoe. petep/p , petepet : (276a); pl. Hoopoe. petra : (Gk); f. Rock, boulder; stone. peja= v. peje - Said peje- , peja= : (285a); vb. Said. p/ra : (Gk); f. Leathern pouch; wallet. p/ri : (267a); m. Quail; meciw] mp/ri : f. Flock, brood of quails. pi v. p- - The. pikiltoc v. poikiltoc - Broidered.
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