SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

prayer and you made it a den of thieves”. As is al-Abudiakon is supposed to do in his rank. As for the rank of al-Shammas, He served in it also. He said, “The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and offer himself on behalf of many.” So if al-Shammas in his service pours {water} over the hands of the priest, so Christ washed His disciples’ feet and thus he accomplished the service. And the interpretation of al-Shammas is the Servant. And the Lord said to His disciples that I am in your midst as an example of the servant. As in the rank of al- Shammas is followed by the rank of al-Qess, thus our Master, to whom is due Glory, washed the feet of his disciples in the example of a servant Shammas and He reclined and took bread, broke it, and gave to His disciples [which is {the} rank of] the al-Qusussia {or presbytery}. As for the rank of al-Archidiakon, the Lord served in it which is His commanding to His disciples, “Go, and disciple all the nations and what you have heard with your ears proclaim it on the roof tops.” Commanding and Prohibition is in the rank {or part of the duties} of al-Archidiakon in the Church. .... C. Chapter 44 “On the Mention of the One Considered {for} the Ranks of the Priesthood”: As for the one considered for the ranks of the priesthood, he is to be among the people an intercessor, interceding for the humans {and} for his deficiency and the presence of the fall in him ... And it is necessary for the pri sts to have whom would set {ordain} them first. And for the priests, who will serve them last. So we begin first with those who serve them. So we say that the servant of the priest is al-Shammas. And al-Shammas has whom will serve him, who is al-Abudiakon and al-Ughnustus. So none would reach the ranks of the priesthood except he who is righteous, knowledgeable of the Church, be proficient in what fills the hearing of the people from teaching and preaching. For if he does not understand what he reads, how can he fills the hearing of others. And if he was a chanter, let him

be with a beautiful voice to make the people love the faith like Philemon who when he spoke in chanting, the idols would fall from the melody in him and the beauty of his voice. And the requirement for him that his mother be a virgin {or virgin at the time of marriage}, according to the saying of the Book {or the Bible}, “Every male, opening the womb of his mother, is called holy to God”. And her virginity would be witnessed for him. And if her virginity is not witnessed for, he is not to be presented fearing the fighting and the enmity. This is the first of the requirements, with the rest of the requirements of the deservance. And we now describe each job and its work and its rank. Chapter 45 “On the Mention of the Ughnustus and the Interpretation of his Name”: As for the Ughnust (sic.), his is reading al-Fusul {or Chapters} which are from the Old {or Old Testament} all of it, for the interpretation of his name is the Reader. And for him {also} the reading of two fasl {chapter or section} of Psalms of David in the case of prayer and of the Liturgy, and for him is the chanting in the midst of the church. And he would stand upon an elevated place in the midst of the church and chant with which is appropriately chanted at that time whether it be a Lord’s feast, a martyr’s feast, or other than that from the prayers and the liturgies. It is not for him to ascend to the sanctuary during his service but to stand outside of the sanctuary for the duration of the liturgy until the time of the Qorban {or communion} to neigh ahead of all the laity for he has fortune {or lot} in the Clergy and also for his participation in the holy service. And it is incumbent upon him to understand all of what he reads before its reading. For if he does not understand, how can he fills the hearing of God’s people with what he does not understand. Chapter 46 “On the Mention of al-Abudiakon and the Interpretation of his Name”: As for the rank of al-Abudiakon, he is the helper of al-Shammas, and his job is carrying the candles and lighting {or

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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