SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

preparing} the censers, and taking out al-fusul {chapters or lectionaries} outside of the veil which belongs to the holy screen {or Iconstasis}, and keeping of the Church entrances beginning with the general {or main} door so that an animal or a non-believer, or one prohibited according to the Christian Law, from the mouth of the Patriarch, would not enter. And another Abudiakon has the task of keeping the door which is between the women and the men and upon him the keeping of the curtain that shall not at all be taken out. And that none of the men would enter the house of the women and none of the women into the house of men to keep the mind from being led astray in the prayers and the liturgies. For the interpretion of the al-Abudiakon is the Assistants. Chapter 47 “On the Mention of al-Diakon and the Interpretation of his Name”: As for the rank of al- Shammas, his name is Diakon, and he is the servant of the priest. And for him {is permitted} ascending to the Sanctuary and wearing the suit as Stephen with al-Zinar {now referred to as Badrashin} on his shoulder. And the reason for that is the saying of the Duskolia {or Didascalia}, “And al-Shamamsah {or deacons} shall not bind their waists with Zananir {pl. of Zinar} during the service because they are emancipated from the slavery, free and no one shall enslave them except for Christ their God.” And for them the distribution of the Blood with the priest during his distribution of the Holy Body. And for them is the reading of the Gospel by permission from the priest. And none of them would say in the beginning of the reading of the Gospel, “Bless O Lord”, for with him in the church present, the one who has the blessing. And for him to be blessed from he priest before the reading of the Gospel, according to the saying of the Apostle, “That the one who has deficiency, would accept

the blessing from the one who is more fit than him’. And for is to pour {water} upon the hands of the priest during his service of the liturgy. Chapter 48 “On the Mention of al-Archidiakon, the Head of the Deacons”: As for the rank the Archidiakon, he is the head of the deacons. And he must be prayed upon by the prayer of consecration from the Patriarch for he is the head of the earthly order which is an example of the Heavenly orders. And he has the command over every rank below him, and for him is the sitting on the left of the Patriarch in {the order of} sitting. And upon him is the presentation of each one that is presented to the ranks of the priesthood. And upon him that he understands all the books of the church in case of the disablement of that who is below him, he would suffice in his place. And for him is the Prayer of Thanksgiving always with the priest, and the warning of the people with the prayers, morning and evening. And he is the opinion of the Patriarch and his counsel in presentation of whom he knows. He will present him {after} testing, {to} the rite of the order of the orders. And to no one is permitted to carry a staff in the church except for the Patriarch and al-Archidiakon, the shepherd of the rites. So he must have in his hand the staff, rod of the guidance. And the Patriarch carries the staff because he is the shepherd of shepherds. And upon al-Archidiakon the care for the hearts of the orders that are below him, because he is their shepherd. And oblidated upon them honoring him, esteeming him, and respecting him. And for him is a qorbana (?) of the rite continuous in every liturgy.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

(To be continued)


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