SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

e nikeroc etsebi / out e ta nihi o mi i e pi m hau n q/tou. au i gar e pi m hau n d n cop qen pi e jwrh e te m mau: eybe vai a v ouai v ouai n nikeeuaggelict/c caji kata pikeroc etsebi / out eta nihi o mi i e pi m hau n q/tf: e pid/ gar eta p ,c twnf qen t vasi m pi e jwrh> ouoh afouonhf e mari a ]magdalin/. pi a gioc kurilloc hwf jw m moc. e ta matyeoc gar caji eybe pisorp n cop eta nihi o mi i e pi m hau n q/tf> iwann/c de eybe pimahcop b hiten mari a ]magdalin/> loukac de eybe pimah g n cop hiten mari a on nem ]kemari a nem iwanna> markoc de eybe pimah d n cop hiten mari a rw on nem ]kemari a nem calom/. e taunau gar e piaggeloc n je nihi o mi e nauerho] men pe eybe pc mot m pefjinouonhf> alla catotf af w li n ]ho] e bol harwou> e afhisennoufi nwou nta nactacic m pencwt/r> ouoh afhonhen e totou ey rouhiwis n nimayit/c m pefjintwnf e bol qen n/ eymwout> ouoh ey rouse nwou e ]galile a ep jinnau e rof qen pima e te m mau. etafouonhf gar e nimayit/c qen ]galile a > efouwnh m pihwb e bol qen vai je af s yam loipon nt cunagwg/ n te niioudai eybe toumetatywt n h/t> ouoh afouwn nt ek k l/ci a n nieynoc: ]galile a gar ac/p e nieynoc. eybe vai e tafjoc eyb/tc n je pi p rov/t/c je ]galile a n te nieynoc> pilaoc ethemci qen p ,aki nem t q/ibi mv mou> ounis] n ouwini afsai naf. qen ]galile a > ouoh on qen t kei l/m > eu,/p eybe t ho] n niioudai: p cwjp de on n nimayit/c> afouonhf e rwou qen ]galile a qen oujom n yeo y rep/ (sic) . alla nihi o mi gar n sorp ne etauer p emsa n nau e rof ouoh e ouwst m mof: n ywou gar on pe e tafhiwis nwou n sorp m pirasi n at s caji m mof> efjw m moc je ,erete. ouoh qen vai loipon af w li m mau mp emkah n h/t n eu a > e af y re p genoc t/rf n te nihi o mi rasi qen p jin y refmounk e bol n q/tou ep t/rf n je p cahou i nt katadik/ n y/ e te m mau. afouonhf gar e pi ia m mayit/c

the changed times when the women came to the tomb, in them. For they came to the tomb four times on that night: Therefore each one of the other evangelists spoke according to the changed times which the women came to the tomb in it: For whereas Christ rose in the midst of the night and He appeared to Mary the Magdaline. St. Kyrillos also said. For Matthew spoke concerning the first time which the women came to the tomb in it. And John concerning the second time through Maria the Magdaline, And Luke concerning the third time through Maria also with the other Maria and Ionna. And Markos concerning the fourth time through Maria also again with the other Maria and Salome. For when they saw the angel, namely the women, they were afraid indeed concerning the shape of his appearance, but immediately he took away the fear from them, as he annunciated to them the resurrection of our savior, and he commanded them to cause them to proclaim to the disciples his resurrection from among the dead (ones), and to cause them to go to the Galilea for the seeing of him in that place For when he revealed himself to the disciples in the Galilea, declaring the matter in this one, that he shut henceforth, the synagogue of the Jews concerning their disagreement, and he opened the church for the gentiles: for the Galilea is belonging to the gentiles. Therefore he said concerning it namely the prophet, 'The Galilea of the gentiles, the people who sits in the darkness and the shadow of Death, a great light has shined for it.' For he revealed himself to the eleven disciples in the Galilea, and also in Ierousalem, while they were hiding because of the fear from the Jews: And the rest of the disciples again, he appeared to them in the Galilea in a divine fitting(?) power. But for the early women, they were worthy to see him and to worship him: For also it is them whom he proclaimed to them first the unutterable joy of him, saying, 'Peace to you'. And in this henceforth he took (away) there the heartache of Eva, as he caused the whole race of the women to rejoice when it perished from them at all namely the curse of the condemnation of that one.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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