SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

alla on menenca y reftwnf e bol qen n/ eymwout hanouon e bol qen nikwcdodi a au i e ]baki> autame ni a r,/ereuc ey meym/i t/rc n ] a nactacic. kan icje au[i n nihat ey roujemeynouj eta nactacic m p ,c > alla ]meym/i> m pare h li s jemjom e roc ep t/rf. eybe ou de on> e ta nimayit/c nau e p [c > a hanouon n q/tou er[icanic; eybe je m patou[i m pip na eyouab m parakl/ton vai et y ro n nimeu i [ici ouoh e halai qen oujin i wrh ectoub/out e bol ha ni h b/ou i t/rou m metref[icanic n te ]metaynah]. eybe ou de on afjoc je au] ersisi niben n/i qen t ve nem hijen pikahi; eybe je afswpi n rwmi m penr/]> afer , racye rw on m pijincaji ettomi e ]metrwmi kata n/ et[i e qoun e tefoikonomi a > ouoh je e bol hitotf au] ersisi niben mp genoc na dam ey rouhwmi e jen nihof nem ni [ l/ nem ]jom t/rc n te pidi a boloc. n yof gar pe et a mahi m pi ep t/rf hwc nou]> ouoh e re ouon ersisi niben n totf qen t ve nem hijen p kahi. mase nwten> pejaf> ma c bw n nieynoc t/rou> e retenwmc m mwou ev ran mv iwt nem p s/ri nem pip na eyouab> ouoh e reten] c bw nwou ea reh e hwb niben e taihenhen y/nou e rwou: ouoh h/ppe a nok ],/ nemwten n ni e hoou t/rou sa p jwk e bol n te ni e neh. e ti on kurilloc. e pid/ oun c se n sorp n hiwis nto mologia mv nah] n ] t riac eyouab qen nieynoc t/rou> tote loipon n ce] c bw nwou n niouahcahni nem ni e ntol/ eyouab n te pieuaggelion. e pid/ gar a[ne to mologi a m pinah] eyouab no ryodoxoc ] c bw ou h li te> ouoh m pac]h/ou ep t/rf n n/ et[i m moc a[ne pinah] etcoutwn> eybe vai afjoc menenca t omologi a

But again after he caused himself to rise from among the dead, some from among the custodians, they came to the city, and they informed the chief priests the whole truth of the resurrection. Even if they took the silver pieces to cause them to lie about the resurrection of Christ, but the truth, no one is usually not strong for it at all. But why again, when the disciples saw the Lord, some among them doubted: Because they have not yet received the paraclete Holy Spirit. This which caused the thoughts to be elevated and to fly in a pure vision from all the doubting deeds of the unbelief. And why also he said that every authority is given to me in Heaven and upon the earth; because he became man in our likeness, he also united the fitting conversation to the humanity according to those who receive into his administration, and that through him, every authority has been given to the race of Adam to cause them to tread over the serpents and the scorpions and all the power of the devil. For it is he who prevail on the whole as god, and every authority shall be in his hand in Heaven and upon Earth. Go, he said, teach all the nations, baptizing them (in) the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to keep every thing which I have commanded you of them: and behold I am with you for all the days until the perfection of the ages. And again Kyrillos . Whereas then it is befitting at first to preach the confession of the faith of the Holy Spirit among all the nations, then henceforth to teach them the commands and the holy commandments of the Gospel. For whereas without the confession of the holy orthodox faith, the teaching is nothing, and it usually does not give benefit at all to those who receive it without the upright faith. Therefore he said after the confession of the annunciation of the faith, While you teach them to keep every thing which I commanded you of them: and behold I am with you all the days to the end of the ages. For he was not meaning the apostles only in this place, but the whole race of the faithfuls, these ones who will dwell until the end: Whereas the apostles did not live in the flesh to the end of the ages: but

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter m pijinhiwis m pinah] je e reten] c bw nwou ea reh e hwb niben e taihenhen y/nou e rwou: ouoh h/ppe a nok ],/ nemwten n ni e hoou t/rou sa p jwk e bol n te ni e neh.

ou gar efjere ni a poctoloc m mau a tou an m paima> alla p genoc t/rf n nipictoc nai eynaswpi sa ]cunteli a : e pid/ m pe ni a poctoloc w nq qen t carx sa p jwk


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