eKourier Jan 2013

Nevs Notes... MISTAKES - ARE WE MAKING ENOUGH? I n our Australian and New Zealand culture it is often seen as wrong, as inept, to make mistakes. At school we try not to be wrong; we try to be right and get approval, to stay out of trouble. So often we don’t try out new things or experiment. Nev enjoyed expressing his ideas in this section of the Kourier. These little gems have been appreciated by many in KSS. We will continue to publish his ideas that we have in stock. Enjoy! And make mistakes quickly! Don’t procrastinate. Think it through and give it a go, learn, and move on. What have you learned? Is it worth another go? Did it fail but yield some valuable information that offers some new opportunity for another go, or to go in a different direction? Have a go, learn, move on.

Customer Feedback “Recently I vacated my 10 year tenancy of wine cellaring at 103 Port Road, Thebarton SA. My time at KSS Thebarton has always delivered me the service demanded, and no more so than after 10 years cellaring wine; the wine was in immaculate condition: no dust, perfect labels on all bottles, perfect capsules on all bottles and ultrahigh ullage in all bottles... suggesting that the wine had been stored perfectly in a fantastically controlled environment. commend the customer service of two staff, Tony and Rob. Their customer service, help, guidance and support for me was tremendous when I was flying in and out of Adelaide and had a three hour window to complete the vacancy. Further, the guidance on safe manual handling, whilst on site, was exemplary both in instruction as well as providing the correct “tools of the trade” for such activities. Whilst a business can have a wonderful proposition or offer to the market - it is through its deployment by organisation’s people that this offer truly creates business value and competitive advantage. In Tony and Rob you have two wonderful people ensuring Kennards offer realises its maximum within the marketplace.” “Sam, I recently commenced storing some stuff at Camperdown with you. The lady there was really helpful and welcoming. She deserves a pat on the back for doing a great job. I also think she enjoys working there, so well done to you for creating a positive culture in the workplace.” “I’m glad to tell you how Adam McCoy made it easy to transact storage with you. He listened, recommended appropriate products and made me feel very welcome. A great ambassador for your business at Panorama S.A.” However, above and beyond this wine-based outcome I wish to

But we don’t lean much from always being right. It is from our mistakes that we learn most. “How can you learn from the mistakes you’ve never made” is a saying I learned at a course at the Pecos River Learning

“The person who never made a mistake never made anything” was the comment from a carpenter who built some kitchen cupboards for me once. He had made a blue and this was his rationalising apology. It was OK, I had to agree.

“At Kennards Self Storage we encourage initiative; we want to innovate and try new things, we want to be a learning company and culture.”

Centre in New Mexico several years ago.

At Kennards Self Storage we encourage initiative; we want to innovate and try new things, we want to be a learning company and culture. Sure it’s better not to make silly, sloppy errors, but mistakes from trying something new are not really mistakes, they are essential to learning and progress. So go forth and make some good mistakes. Nev Kennard

Make high-class mistakes: that is mistakes from trying something that will yield some new knowledge. Think it out as best you can, get some advice or input perhaps to help to optimise your attempt, and your learning, weigh up the costs and consequences, ask if anyone else has anything to contribute to your idea, and then give it a go.

KSS Library Book Review

Overpromise and Overdeliver – Rick Barrera “The old cliché in business is that smart companies under promise and over deliver but in a crowded market place, under-promising is a one-way ticket to oblivion.” Marketing guru Rick Barrera talks about his ground breaking research with case studies to show how word of mouth driven successes, such as Tivo, have mastered what he calls “Touchpoint Branding” – the art of making sure that every point of contact between a company and its customer is well executed and fulfils an over the top Brand promise.

This book offers powerful easy to apply lessons for Managers and individuals at any level, for anyone who wants to create unshakable customer loyalty. Amy Roberts Customer Care Officer


Kennards Kourier Jan 2013

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