eKourier Jan 2013

Congratulations Ben Moon!

Congratulations Grandad!

Congratulations to Mike Howard (Kirrawee) on the birth of his granddaughter Lavinia, born on the 1st October, weighing 3kg and being 47cm long.

Congratulations to Ben Moon (Guildford) and his wife Katy on the birth of their son, James Patrick Moon born on the 30th November, weighing 2.72kg and being 49cm long.

Contributions for the back page of the Kourier are always welcome! Maybe you are a newlywed or there’s been an addition to the family, or you have been travelling. Or maybe you have some great photos of you out and about in Kennards Gear! Email: sharon@kss.com.au.

“All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney


Kennards Kourier Jan 2013

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