eKourier Jan 2013

8 Questions...

with Tony Roberts - Manager of Panorama In this role you had to develop the skill of

Tell us about your family?

On November 19th last year I married Tanya Ruch, we have 4 children; a daughter Abbey 21 who is off to London for the next 2 years, Regan 20 an Apprentice Brick Layer, Bryce 19 an Apprentice Plumber and Jordan 18 who has just completed Year 12 and is hoping to get into University. For both Tanya and I this is our second marriage, at times it can be a challenge bringing two family’s together but as our boys played soccer together and were mates long before we knew each other it has been quite easy. In June Tanya and I headed off on our honeymoon to L.A and Vegas. We have just moved into our new home south of Adelaide. What goals do you have set for yourself personally and in the workplace? I think we all set goals around being happy and successful in the work place. When I first started with KSS I would set small goals each day. I found that was a great way to push yourself, “I’m sure Robert would get sick of me asking can I do this can I do that”. Now I am setting myself challenges regarding sales i.e. merchandise, insurance and working on getting 100% in my Mystery Shopping calls. Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time? Hopeful spending more time travelling and Sunday afternoons at the Oyster Bar at Glenelg and less time in the work place.

multiple personalities as each store and state had different needs. What is it you believe is the difference between KSS and other employers? Right from the word go during the interview during training with Bill, you’re not promised the world but what you are promised happens. I have process with Wayne and Mike and then

Tell us about your role with KSS and the centre you are at? I have been with KSS four months now and I am the Manager of Panorama. I originally completed my training at Thebarton with Robert Todd. During the training period I attended THQ for a two day session and Melbourne for a three day session. I found all the training to be very valuable and easy to put into practice. On the first day back at Thebarton after my Melbourne training (Inspirational Leadership) we looked at the setup of the Box Shop. Working together and brain storming each other’s ideas, Robert and I were able to utilise most of the floor space but still allowing room for the customer. What skills do you think you will bring to KSS that you picked up from past positions? After working in the food, retail and customer service industry for the past 35 years, I believe I bring a passion for sales, the ability to understand and meet the customers’ needs and a need to always better what I did yesterday. My retail experience has shown me that it does not matter what we are selling it’s important to always listen to the customer. I have managed small retail stores to big box retail employing up to 250+ staff. One of the most rewarding retail positions was working for a homewares company as the National Operations Manager.

found over the years working for the big corporations what they tell you is going to happen very rarely does. The support that I have found at KSS whether it’s been contacting THQ or asking Robert or Mike at Thebarton has been amazing. You seem to be a really motivated individual where do you get your enthusiasm from? My family are my motivation. I believe and I tell my kids you need to make the most of each day as you can never get that day back. I will always give 100% to whatever I am doing. Even though we sell units, lockers and boxes we are a service to the customer and to be able to guide and advise a customer or chase a sale and have a happy customer gives me the enthusiasm to do better tomorrow. What hobbies and interests do you have? My main hobby is cooking. As I am a Chef by trade I find this very rewarding and a great way to chill and wind down. During the ten year period that I was cooking I ran my own pub kitchen, owned and operated a café/coffee shop and catered for many functions and weddings. I completed my Apprentice- ship at the local hospital and in my third year as an Apprentice I won Apprentice of the Year. I enjoy doing all the cooking at home and we are always having people over for dinner gatherings.


Kennards Kourier Jan 2013

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