eKourier Jan 2013

Turning a Potential Loss Into a Profit J ust great, we have a 3x3 packed to the ceiling, everything is thrown in there, and the delinquent owes us two months’ rent. “I just want to get it out of here” 3. All at once? There is a lot to be said by getting rid of everything in one fell swoop, but that doesn't mean putting 300 cookie jars in one auction and wondering why no one wants to buy them all as a group or instant collection.

I have been at Kennards for just over 11 months!! I cannot believe how the year has flown by. I would like to thank everyone for making me feel so welcome and the support I have received during the year. In particular the Finance Team who have had to answer all my questions and explain things to me. much more there is to learn about Self Storage and Kennards. I can also see many exciting opportunities to work with all Team Members to deliver great outcomes for Kennards Self Storage. I have not managed to visit all centres but plan to get there during 2013. I can safely say I have thoroughly enjoyed the year and realise how A key factor in making the year so interesting and enjoyable is the fantastic culture I have experienced at Kennards. Right across the business there is such a positive vibe and such There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of making a good sale. 1. Take good pictures. When offering items online a photo and your descrip- tion is the only thing buyers have to go by. Make sure the photo is in focus, clear and shows detail/brand or feature. Also remember the phrase “One man's trash is another man's treasure” Something that one person considers worthless may be considered valuable by someone else. 2. Write a clear and concise description and be sure to put keywords in the title so that it's easily found in searches or noticed at first glance.

What you’re selling might be junk to you, but you stand a greater chance of making more sales if every item or “situation” looks its very best. By presenting things well, you might be able to sell your space for more money, as people generally respond positively to images or collections that have been well prepared. You may be surprised to find your customers valuing your items for more than you’re asking for. It can be a bit of work sorting the space, loading your descriptions, pictures and general set-up, however the benefit is very clear. Steve Jansen Centre Manager Castle Hill enthusiasm to do well and deliver great customer service. I have certainly not experienced such a positive culture in any of my previous roles. This is a credit to all involved. The Finance Team have achieved an enormous amount in 2012 and below are some of the key items - • 10 Day Month End – allows earlier delivery of Financial Reporting. • SmartData Purchasing Card System. - Teams are able to use their Credit Cards in more places and without the AMEX fee. - Automation of invoicing with further opportunities. - Removal of petty cash. - Removal of cheque books. - Paperwork reduced. - No storing and filing of invoices. • Improved monthly document flow to facilitate processing and approving.

Finance Team Looks Forward to a Productive New Year

• Assisting with the opening of new centres and 2 Managed centres. • Change to Telstra for landline and mobiles. • Debt Collectors for written off debts – approximately $25k collected. • Mailplus moved to 3 days per week, providing savings across the board. • Change to CGU Workers Comp in NSW & VIC.

• Systems Review support.

• Monthly P&L’s.

• P&L Commentaries.

• Paint refund - Taubmans.

I hope you have had a great Christmas and look forward to a productive and fun New Year! Anthony (Wanne) Rous Chief Financial Officer


Kennards Kourier Jan 2013

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