eKourier Jan 2013

Highlights of PEP

“I have just returned from the PEP programme in the Hunter Valley and I think the acronym should be changed from “PEP” to “WOW!” It was an amazing experience on both a personal and professional level. In a structured and easy to understand way, we learned about how our thinking influences our behaviour. We were then shown techniques to help influence our thinking styles in ways that would benefit and change our effectiveness.

L to R - Neil Pardoe, Debbie Jones, Peter Reid, Trudi Iacobucci, Jim Dade, Tim Ferris, Tony Vuong, Lenci Taylor, Bill McClean, Lisa Donkin, Andrea Michaels, Dennis Flack, Mark Burgess, Dennis McDonald, Anthony Rous.

T he Personal Effectiveness Program (PEP) was conducted at the Hunter Valley Resort from the 2nd to the 4th December last year. It was attended by fourteen participants from Kennards Self Storage. The Training days were full and the Facilitator, Tim Ferris, was able to create an atmosphere where participants were able to open up and feel comfortable to look within themselves. This is a fantastic course that has taken 20 years of research and established marginal, some adequate and some clearly associated with excellence. By knowing your style and comparing it to a reference group, you can benchmark your own performance against others and thus evaluate your present level of effectiveness. For me personally it created an awareness of the opportunity to grow and change behaviours that are negative. It also gave me the time to think about the triggers and thoughts that precede those behaviours, something that will benefit me both professionally and personally. certain thinking styles, which are ineffective, some of which are

“Just got back to work today. What an amazing 3 days we had. I’m still blown away by the whole experience. I have come back to work with a renewed positive outlook on myself and my ability, and also with amazing new friends. Thanks Kennards.” “I was deeply impressed by the raw honesty of each of the participants, the way they supported each other in the growth journey, and their commitment to improving themselves. It really was a great experience. It's great to be partnering with an organisation that wants to strengthen its staff.” Tim Ferris, Programme Facilitator, Living On Purpose This course has already had a significant effect on my life and re-enforces for me how good it is to work for an organisation that is prepared to make such a substantial investment in my personal and professional growth.” Dennis McDonald Abbotsford Trudy Iacobucci Port Melbourne The other wonderful part of the experience was meeting, working with and getting to know other Team Members.

“I attended the PEP course expecting to come away with several learnings and feeling good. I did not expect to experience life changing learnings!!! What we achieved in 2 days was incredible. To see other Kennards Team Members open up about themselves and explain learnings they had just achieved for the first time in 50 years, was mind blowing. In the end, we couldn’t reject the results as they were a reflection of how we had answered the questions.” Anthony Rous Chief Financial Officer “Overall, PEP was a rewarding and eye-opening experience. It gave me the opportunity to learn more about myself and the others around me by forcing us to confront our deepest obstacles and providing us with the control to overcome them. It was great to spend time with and get to know people from Kennards that I only ever speak to over the phone. The overwhelming support and enthusi- astic attitude of everyone that attended created an inspiring and pleasurable environment.” Andrea Michaels Accounts Payable Officer

Bill McClean Training and Development Manager

Kennards Kourier Jan 2013


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