2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee

Shakopee’s early settlement was dependent on the Minnesota River as the primary transportation route. Today, the city relies heavily on the regional highway network. This section of the plan provides guidance on policies and programs that will help Shakopee make transportation-related decisions that address the community’s priorities. The plan demonstrates how Shakopee intends to address local transportation issues and connect the city with the larger Twin Cities region. Maintaining and enhancing a multi-modal transportation system is critical to the economic health and quality of life in Shakopee. Transportation related issues and opportunities include: » » Long commutes driven by regional housing and employment patterns » » River crossing congestion » » Roadway safety issues » » Preparation for the transportation system of the future and automated vehicles » » Streets that detract from the sense of place » » Disconnections between areas of Shakopee, including the river » » A high quality but disconnected trail system » » Pedestrian access to parks & schools » » Options for shared mobility and flexible transit services » » Development and annexation expansion » » Regional and local growth » » Funding roadway expansion projects » » Expectations, funding and maintenance of alleys OVERVIEW


1. Enhance and maintain a regionally sustainable, multimodal transportation system 2. Continue expanding and developing a robust, well-balanced city transportation network via development and annexation 3. Elevate transportation partnerships 4. Develop a Safety Plan 5. Develop city and neighborhood non-motorized transportation plans 6. Integrate Complete Streets into city processes


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