2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee

Develop partnerships and implement a transportation demand management plan » » Utilize transportation demand management (TDM) strategies to encourage land use and behavioral changes that result in fewer vehicle trips during peak hours. Focus on reducing work-commute related demand to reduce congestion during demand peak hours without the need to construct additional capacity. » » Establish partnerships with local and regional agencies and employment centers around telecommuting and flexible workdays » » Support implementation of MnPASS on U.S. Highway 169. A 2010 MnPASS system study found high potential benefit from MnPASS lanes on U.S. Highway 169 from Highway 101 to Interstate 494. Shakopee’s public support of this strategy may help push state and regional agencies to continue to pursue its feasibility. » » Consider the following transportation demand management (TDM) strategies: » » Encourage employers to subsidize transit costs for commuters » » Provide bicycle support facilities such as bike parking and changing rooms » » Have alternative route recommendations available » » Value the benefits of flexible work schedules Actively participate in freight and airport planning and operations » » Continue participation in the Joint Zoning Board for airports » » Participate in freight planning at the state and regional level including evaluate priority freight routes



2A Increase public transportation service

» » Partner with MVTA to educate residents, employers and employees of transit opportunities » » Rezone areas adjacent to existing park-and-ride facilities and potential bus rapid transit (BRT) stations to mixed use » » Work with MVTA to designate bus stops for fixed-route local bus service » » Pursue integration with regional transit network beyond commuter service » » Support the implementation of BRT transit on Hwy 169 » » Support the upgrading of transit service to a dedicated bus lane with upgraded stations where possible. Per the 2014 Highway Transitway Corridor Study, this can allow nearly four times the ridership forecast if bus services remained the same and would provide Scott County residents with more reliable transit connections to Hennepin County, no longer subject to freeway congestion.



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