2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee

SUPPORTING ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS: As leaders and decision makers, it is important that elected and appointed officials are provided the support, resources and training to make legally sound, effective and fair decisions. Many decisions elected and appointed officials face are complicated, technical and/ or controversial, which can be difficult for those serving as volunteers or those new to their role. Moving forward, the city can explore opportunities to support its elected and appointed officials in their leadership role by: » » Orienting new elected and appointed officials to the city and their role through onboarding » » Providing ongoing training and education » » Sharing information in innovations, trends and successful projects Additionally, the city can play a proactive role in helping to recruit and support new boards and commissions members. As the city grows and diversifies it’ll be even more important that boards and commissions are representative of the community. The city should encourage and support volunteers from various backgrounds, neighborhoods, genders, cultures and generations.

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