2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


The City of Shakopee communicates with residents, businesses and media through a variety of mediums, including the city’s newsletter, website, government access cable television channel, e-newsletter, social media, news releases and various other sources. Shifting means of accessing information, consumption of media and an overload of information make communications an ever-evolving and increasingly challenging, yet critical task. The city must provide communications in a fashion that is easy to understand, access and consume. This can be done by focusing on the following areas: 1. Internal Communications: » » Ensuring that city staff receive information in a timely, concise and efficient manner is critical to the success of the organization. Success in a modern-day, cross functional organization demands strong internal communication. 2. External Communications: » » Residents and businesses have asked for more information, whether it is regarding community events, construction or proposed developments. The city will work to increase the accessibility and transparency of information. 3. Community Engagement: » » Including residents, businesses and stakeholders in planning and decision making helps to create a community in which people feel valued, heard and proud.


1. Provide efficient and effective internal communications as a government organization 2. Provide consistent and responsive external communications to the public 3. Provide authentic opportunities for community engagement


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