TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake


from right to left the light is twinkling all the time shadows are shivering lightly moving as though all the while somebody kept coming and leaving the leaves of the tree in front of the window light is reflected from them the room is all green as though it were itself a leaf III. I sit down on the bench by the canal. Water, trees, a macadam path, birds and the distant hum of traffic. I’m staring into water. Pedestrians are walking by. Only after a while do I look to the other side. For a moment it seems I’m facing a mirror: on the other side there’s an exactly same bench, on it a cyclist who looks like me, in a white sundress, a bike behind her. She’s sitting exactly as absorbedly as me, embracing herself with her arms. I wince, I wave to her. The cyclist doesn’t see me, she’s still absorbedly staring into water.


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