TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake

7 Stones

crouches to inspect the fragments as when he was a child in PART III.PART VI / “pierre lunaire”

THE STONE COLLECTOR as a grown up man is dressed as a classical outdoors man, in tweeds with many pockets, a leather bag slung over the shoulder.

THE STONE COLLECTOR crouches by the lithograph fragments. he takes a fragment between his thumb and forefinger, rises to his feet. from his pocket he fetches the ‘little man’s hammer’ and knocks on the fragment. he puts away the hammer and fetches a measuring tool he uses to measure the fragment before putting into his bag. THE STONE COLLECTOR takes a notebook from his breast pocket, a pencil from behind his left ear and writes in it.


lithographic limestone from the montardier quarries a lias lithostratigraphic unit formed in the early jurassic epoch,


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