TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake


known to conceal fossils of marine life, such as conches, sea urchins, clams, mussels, oysters, that millennia ago sheltered conscious flesh ... THE STONE COLLECTOR weighs the fragment in his hand, puts it into the leather bag. he wanders off looking for more stones but before long his gaze is drawn towards the full, shining moon floating over earth. as THE STONE COLLECTOR watches the moon a lunar eclipse takes place. the moons silvery face darkens and once it is covered by the earths umbra he discovers – along with the audience – that the moon is, of course, nothing but a huge grey stone floating in the sky.

THE STONE COLLECTOR’S WIFE comes on stage, dressed as a wife of a 19th century artist/scientist. she sings the nursery rhyme about PIERRE LUNAIRE.

THE STONE COLLECTOR’S WIFE is followed by THE CHOIR who represent the murmur of THE STONE COLLECTOR’s desire.


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